46 Commentaires

  1. So just found this video. So I have a Mini Schnauzer Boy. When he was around 2-3 years of age he would throw up almost daily white mucus. I took pics and brought him to the vet. My dog has many allergies. The vet said it was his food and that my dog does have GI issues. The vet put him on Royal Canin veterinary Hydrolyzed Protein HP. He was doing great for about 3 years. He is 10 now and its starting again. He does not throw up often but its like he is heaving almost daily. He also has allot of fatty tumors as he has aged. Anyway is there another food you can recommend or can I give him and can he take the Slippery Elm daily?

  2. My 11 lbs toy Poodle always seem to get heartburn. The vet has given Sulkofrate. Which works great but it seems like the acid builds up in his system over about 2 week time. I do small meals, brought food up high do he isn't eating low. Would Pepsid AC be a better option? Or Slippery Elm be better

  3. I study herbalism; I’ve been using slippery elm for my small dog for years when needed. I buy the dried powder herb in bulk, make a gruel with a tsp of powder & 1/4 cup of water, heated on the stove, stirring constantly while it turns into a gruel the consistency of honey or thick gravy, let it cool, give it to her in a syringe, 1-2 teaspoons a few times a day. It helps with vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. I think when they’ve been vomiting it’s a better option than making them swallow a capsule or tablet. It tastes good so they don’t mind. It can also be added to water or food.

  4. My dog is suffering from GERD for like 4 months. I mean i took her to all the vets in South Korea. They gave her medication for gastritis. But it never worked out. I hope your suggestion makes my dog get better. I’ll leave a comment after i try this method. Thank you!

  5. My dog (who is living with Diabetes & EPI) has been burping a lot recently. Afterwards he will have this sudden ‘burst of energy’ where he runs around in discomfort, licks his lips, and starts breathing rapidly through his nose. Is this a sign of heartburn or acid reflux? I’m considering giving him the chamomile tea.

  6. I can't find a video anywhere. What can you do when they are having a bad acid reflux attack and how long do these last. My bet said to just wait it out an but this awful. Its been about 40 min.

  7. My dog has been licking a lot lately but never vomiting or regurgitating, today about 4 minutes after her second meal she ran up to me like she was scared and was gulping pretty hard for a few minutes and licking her mouth then it calmed down and started up again a couple of times but again nothing came out and she's eating, drinking, playing and passing her food just fine. I am thinking of giving her slippery elm but everything I see says to dump what's in the capsule in water and create a paste, your video is the only time I've seen someone say just put the capsule down their throat, is that still what you recommend?

  8. I have a 6 months old puppy that has acid reflux. I cannot find any puppy food that is low fat and low protein, but I want to give him slippery elm. Is the dosage same for puppies? And can he just get some every day?

  9. Disclaimer: sorry for the long post : My one year old Shih Tzu has been struggling with gastric issue and it keeps coming and going every month. He is on complete home made fresh cooked food of chicken,eggs,few veggies like pumpkin ,carrots,french beans and in fruits he likes steamed banana. The vet gave Rantac Syrup ( 75mg/5ml) (0.8ml is prescribed for 3 to 5 days ,twice a day )along with ondansetron oral suspension(2mg/5ml) (1ml prescribed for twice a day for 3-5 days ) and sucral pet(sucralfate) syrup(200ml) – 3ml has been prescribed for twice a day for 15 days. Every time he is having Rantac syrup, his ALT levels always show up as very very high in his blood test. The vet has also prescribed Prolivet tablet to be given to my dog ( 1/4th of a tablet ones a day,6 tablets are to be given in total). When this episode happened last year,he already had the same issue and same medicine with the side effect of high ALT and we finished giving him one entire bottle of Prolivet tablet. I am quite worried because of the recurring use of the same medicines and Liver supplements. The upset stomach keeps coming back and we end up giving him the same course of medicine. Please suggest a way to make his gut better. Symptoms prior to the medication: moist,paste like stool with some mucous and vomit of bile on some days in the morning. One of the days he also vomitted after having some food and the vomit was more slimy than just yellow coloured with foam.He was otherwise active (except for a day when he was quite lethargic) .He was also eating very less of his meals and was not showing much interest in food and we had to hand feed him. Now after giving the medicines, he is back to eating the meals himself and is also back to his normal energetic self. My only worry is the recurring use of these meds and recurring high ALT levels and it's long term impact on his liver and other organs. Is there any way to make his gut better so that he doesn't go back to the same meds again and again?

  10. Dr Jones, thank you for sharing free information/knowledge to help us better manage our pets health. I watch your videos about cats and follow your advices successfully. I noticed you only have a youtube video about Acid Reflux in Dogs (not cats). Does the same apply to cats? After ruling out other diseases, my 4-year old male scottish fold cat seems to have chorinic GERD. He's shown behavioral symptoms such as restlessness, licking mouth, licking paws (not like grooming but to self-sooth the discomfort), visible difficulty/heavy swallowing, stretching neck out to try to swallow, vomitting of yellow bile or clear white foam whenever he goes 6-8+ hours without food, doesn't like his mouth opened. He did dental cleaning recently and seems to have mild gingivitus but not so much that would cause him the symptoms mentioned so the vet said possible due to Acid Reflux. The doctor prescribed Famotidine 20mg tablet to administer 1/4 tablet once daily for 16 days. This will be his first time taking the tablet and I'm reading plentiful before using it to be super cautious it doesn't cause him other health issues. Are you considering making a video for GERD in cats? I saw 2 of your videos about how to treat Vomiting in Cats and seems almost the same remedies are suggested. Any tip on how to handle GERD in my furry angel would be immensly appreciated. Thank you for caring❤

  11. My dog has been suffering for this for so long a car came thru are home and ran us both over he's 14th the vets are just bleeding me. Dr Jones I'm so grateful to you!! you brought me two more years with my beloved yorkie with his Collapse track. Now he is suffering with the refex and its bad. So bad that I'm going to have to put him down and send him over the 🌈 and I said I wouldn't let him suffer. But I have covia Wright now and can't take him to the vet tell I'm well. But it's killing me!! I've looked to see what I can feed him? I can bear the idea of him not having dinner. I boiling him a chicken breast, apple, sweet potato, carrots, and I well put it into a food processors and feed him a very small amount. I HOPE THIS IS WRIGHT!! 🙏 😔 it's hard when you love your fur baby's. And you have no one to turn to.

  12. So my Newfoundland has acid reflux. I dont have pills but I have slippery elm powder. How much would I use for 155 lbs? And qould I just put it in his food? He eats raw ground which I make myself.

  13. my dog is 4lbs.. had a bone surgically removed from esophagus. She was always on hard food, now soft food in little meatballs. Vet is telling me esophageal dysphagia after a barium radiology study that showed no strictures or blockages. Im being told that food can collect in the esophagus while she is sleeping and she can wake up hours after she eats with the licking, gagging, retching, bringing up white spit and sounds like darth vader… I'm feeding her special prescription Royal Canin GI food, small portions, every 4-6 hours in little meatballs and holding her vertically after she eats…. She moreso has the issues in between meals, not during… How should I dose the Pepcid or the other with her small weight? I cannot put pills down her throat.. Can i mix it with her food while she eats, or does it need to be taken in between meals?

  14. My dog doesn’t seem in pain, I’m taking him to the vet on Friday but he’s been swallowing and licking his lips. I saw something about this also being seizures, he seems coherent and can pay attention to me when he is gulping.. does this sound like acid reflux to you doc?

  15. My dog gets acid reflux, indigestion off and on, and the past few days have been a little challenging for her. Tonight was the worst though. She threw up all her food a little while ago. I fed her homemade chicken soup with a fresh chicken. some rice, carrots, and celery (no spices of any kind) mid day, but apparently her stomach was still irritating her. I'm sure I have chamomile tea and will give her some tomorrow. I have some organic canned pumpkin and was considering giving her a little of that tomorrow also.

  16. Thank you for all information🐕🐕😃😃🍁🍁👍👍
    3 years old Kong has weak joints, I do massage following your video.
    Kong walks for 10 min. Slowly…3 times a day.
    If this helps, do I need to bring him out more often shortly?
    I wish to see video for suggesting daily exercise tips to weak joint puppy 🐕🐕😁😁

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