10 Commentaires

  1. 5 grams 3 times a day. With zero lite same amount 5 grams taken together with filterd water this will truly help you pass. You must stop smoking drinking lots of water it takes time to remove THC because it stays in your fat cell's. Taking 5 grams each 3: time's a day will truly help break the cycle of the THC. Good luck to all…

  2. Been using Charcoal with a healthy diet high in fibre for my yearly Drug test. I can confirm that for myself it does reduce the time to flush the metabolites ( I'd say it cuts the detox time by 30-40%) but it does not completely remove them by itself.

  3. I may be a chronic user (of chronic) and have had a break for 10 days now.
    I have been taking a capsule of 200mg of Activated charcoal for the last 5 days.
    Yesterday I did a self test and was still positive. Today I did a self test but watered down my urine by 10% (hoping to get an Idea that I was in the ballpark) still positive. (over 50ng/ml)
    But I have been doing a few other things that may be counter productive. Like actively breaking down my fat cells with exercise and using Acetyl l-Carnitine and a liver detox which includes Milk Thistle.
    I have a test coming up with no locked in date yet, but Im running out of excuses to keep putting off the test.

    Have you any information on using Acetyl l-Carnitine to help breakdown the fat cells quickly?

    Thanks for your vids. They have been enlightening and I have binged most of the Weed stuff.

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