(18+) *LEGAL MEDICAL CANNABIS PATIENT* (Denver – August 1st-5th, 2016) So I thought since i’d be doing a good bit of … Check on YouTube
18 Commentaires
For a long time I was buying plastic containers. Eventually, when I had about 50 saved up, I Iso washed each container and came away with almost 3 grams after cookin out the iso. Love that wax paper, only thing better is a silicon container.
Tried dabs for the 1st time on I think Fridaybut it didn't really hit me. I know how to smoke and everything too cuz I smoke bud a few timea a week so it was weird. I was extremely baked at the time though lol!
For a long time I was buying plastic containers. Eventually, when I had about 50 saved up, I Iso washed each container and came away with almost 3 grams after cookin out the iso. Love that wax paper, only thing better is a silicon container.
its beautiful!!
Wow, Alien Dawg looks beautiful.
I know your pain as the prep chef man, had the job for 2 months then quit :s
Tried dabs for the 1st time on I think Fridaybut it didn't really hit me. I know how to smoke and everything too cuz I smoke bud a few timea a week so it was weird. I was extremely baked at the time though lol!
Some fire shatter homie!! Clarity is real! Ha happy dabbing, Cheers from MA- 👍✌️
You are still in school? How old are you buddy
Totally agree on parchment paper. Good video and that shatter looks fire
Dope upload!
agree with the parchment!
totally agree about the little containers that are impossible to get all the meds out of.
Looks great Cheers
Looks fire cheers stay stoney man
So agree with the parchment comment!
Great review
Good vid keep it up
Beautiful concentrate man stay up
0:15 LOL