39 Commentaires
So I bought one of these like, a week after this review. I just wanna point out mine DID come with a dab tool, and with the magnet feature, I take it with me without worrying about losing it. I dunno why yours didn't have any.
Ive been watching ur vids for a good while since the begining and since u have helped me threw some tough times but watching u tought me even when ur down n out u always gotta see the good in every situation cheers brother.!
Make the battery casing slightly fatter, and cut out a spot for a dab tool to clip onto the side. Something from the bottom would cut into battery size/life, a side cut out would just make it slightly fatter.
I have tried doing wax vapes but can't get over how to clean the coil area after using.. I have tried a Q-Tip with a alcohol dipped but can't get close or under the coil.. any suggestions here? I have been using the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition for like 90% of my concentrates but will still use full rig from time to time. I would like the portable pens but am concerned with the remaining wax that sits under coil system.
I can't figure out how to buy these!! Maybe I'm just an idiot but I can find all their products but I can't find either a price or even a button to buy it! Someone please help me out!
Great video, was wondering like in a lot of the vape tanks you can use coils from other tanks on each other. Can you use coils from other vape pens in this one?
So I bought one of these like, a week after this review. I just wanna point out mine DID come with a dab tool, and with the magnet feature, I take it with me without worrying about losing it. I dunno why yours didn't have any.
How much wax did you put in them?
that's sick how you can attach it together and hit both sides of it I'd put cbd in one and the thc in the other
i can’t ever tell if josh is inhaling 💀
Darth maul dabs that's great lol
I love your quote lol I'm smokin along
eyyy my cats named maui too 😂👌
Attempting the 4:20 dab rip…? Sorta funny there!!
It looks just like the yocan evolve XL. It’s like 80$ but I got mine for 50$ at magic man in Oregon. And it had quad coils.
Your wrong about 1 thing..I open doors for people every day when I go places
9:30 "a lot of people are super, super, super anal"?
more appearances of your cat please josh!!!
Yo, you literally took the darth maul dab at 420am and I nearly exploded.
Try the Oozi Magnum, as of today I've smoked pretty much a whole zip of wax out of ot. Still rips and gets me medicated Everytime
So much better pens for $15 $20 On eBay that are great
PLEASE REPLY! How do I buy a nobody glass pipe now!? They aren’t on hot box anymore!!!
Ive been watching ur vids for a good while since the begining and since u have helped me threw some tough times but watching u tought me even when ur down n out u always gotta see the good in every situation cheers brother.!
If I tried talking immediately after blowing out those clouds ide be hacking IDK how you do it bro
Make the battery casing slightly fatter, and cut out a spot for a dab tool to clip onto the side. Something from the bottom would cut into battery size/life, a side cut out would just make it slightly fatter.
At 3.03 he threw up the 666. I knew he was one of "them".
I tired to grab the vape lol
now I know you rule!!ya love kitty cats!! My kitties Ozzy and Lucifer send love too!
Josh my brother! you still have one of the best cannibis channels on the tube,sendin you much old hippy love brother!keep rockin,ill keep watchin!
How do I buy it?!?! 🤦🏽♀️
Josh they do throw in a dabber in the box!!!
That’s sick
I have tried doing wax vapes but can't get over how to clean the coil area after using.. I have tried a Q-Tip with a alcohol dipped but can't get close or under the coil.. any suggestions here? I have been using the Dr Dabber Boost Black Edition for like 90% of my concentrates but will still use full rig from time to time. I would like the portable pens but am concerned with the remaining wax that sits under coil system.
I can't figure out how to buy these!! Maybe I'm just an idiot but I can find all their products but I can't find either a price or even a button to buy it! Someone please help me out!
Great video, was wondering like in a lot of the vape tanks you can use coils from other tanks on each other. Can you use coils from other vape pens in this one?
Why do you keep deleting videos right after you post them
Josh just had pussy on his table LMAOO luv the video
how the fuck do you buy this thing from the website
Not that stealthy if you're coughing your lungs up
I currently use YoCan Eolve Plus XL, it works great. One of the best ive used.
I'll stick with my Linx Hypnose Zero
Was up Josh can you find pink eye kush it don't sound good but its fire at 29%thc