The bad thing about the arizer air 2 is that you drop it, the screen breaks and turns black and everything goes to shit, and the worst thing is that you are in Latin America and you have no way to send it to repair 🙁
I have the Air 1 and let me just say this. Im so fucking baked i had to search up a video to comment how fucking good it is. (Tl;dr) GET THE VAPE. AIR1 or AIR2. AIR1 is disgustingly good.
3 years i've had the AIR1. i've literally dropped it probably a 100 times. And i've only broken the glass twice. the vape is literally almost indestructible. You don't know how mind blowing that is in modern days, vapes are literally made to break i feel like. I've gone through 400$+ vapes including the firefly 2, dr. dabber, Yocan products, you name it. and almost all of them have deteriorated over-time without me dropping them a single time. (due to battery failures [dr.dabber] , overheating problems [firefly2]) I still have my fire-fly2 but i ALWAYS find myself going back to the AIR1. It literally gets me more ripped than a fat bong rip. I could get 4 people mucked off of two bowls on the highest setting. I made my buddy white out the other day cause we had 4 bowls over and over. My friends can't believe its weed in their, and sometimes i can't either. It's literally like smoking dabs.
The bad thing about the arizer air 2 is that you drop it, the screen breaks and turns black and everything goes to shit, and the worst thing is that you are in Latin America and you have no way to send it to repair 🙁
Can’t you just buy a better battery for the original Air?
Jesus why are there so many dislikes in this video the review was great
there should be indicator how much time left since power on till power off.
something like 10 min. countdown?
maybe in air 3 please arizer just make it happen 🙂
The amount of head wobble is a joke
I have the Air 1 and let me just say this. Im so fucking baked i had to search up a video to comment how fucking good it is. (Tl;dr) GET THE VAPE. AIR1 or AIR2. AIR1 is disgustingly good.
3 years i've had the AIR1. i've literally dropped it probably a 100 times. And i've only broken the glass twice. the vape is literally almost indestructible. You don't know how mind blowing that is in modern days, vapes are literally made to break i feel like. I've gone through 400$+ vapes including the firefly 2, dr. dabber, Yocan products, you name it. and almost all of them have deteriorated over-time without me dropping them a single time. (due to battery failures [dr.dabber] , overheating problems [firefly2]) I still have my fire-fly2 but i ALWAYS find myself going back to the AIR1. It literally gets me more ripped than a fat bong rip. I could get 4 people mucked off of two bowls on the highest setting. I made my buddy white out the other day cause we had 4 bowls over and over. My friends can't believe its weed in their, and sometimes i can't either. It's literally like smoking dabs.
I have both, and the air flow is much better on the Air 2. It’s worth the extra money if you can afford it.
Great video!
All you say is true!
I love both my airzer air 1 and 2