49 Commentaires

  1. You know that British thing we do when we go yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s because we’re not even paying attention to the conversation anymore and
    its still going on so we just say whatever and we say yeah so they think that we’re talking about the conversation lol 😂😂😂😂

  2. Fucking hell, people are filming themselves smoking as a YouTube video?? Wtf is going on with the times? Back in the day you’d have got nicked doing this shit but this bellend is making money off this! No wonder society is fucked

  3. Indica does cause anxiety. Any weed strain can. Youre a clever guy drew but ypu have alot to learn… only age will show you but i still respect your vkogs and livestreams. You do what needs to be done in respects to education of what strains are. Your opinion on effects will change the older you get. Somebody next to you with anxiety? Could still freak out on indica whereas it helps you calm. Im trying to make people understand before everyone starts getting mental health issues later on in life or in the now. Cannabis really isnt for everyone. Same as opiates. Same as everything. But indica does not stop anxiety or prevent it from happening x

  4. It was making me mad because she was just passing it back after one hit like takeeee advantageee of the joint. You're smoking literally one time for the next couple of months. Go ham on that shit lmaooo

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