Swervin #Gas #Slapper STREAMING LINK: Flavors & The Don back at it again with another … Check on YouTube
43 Commentaires
2 am in Houston and I thought I had a good podcast name (blunt talk) , would like to be on this show or express some good ideas that would interesting (@wtm_ty) on Instagram
Y’all should do a video about differentiating between good and bad concentrates! I work as a budtender in Seattle and the lack of public knowledge in the area is alarming
12:50 YEAH RIGHT -Danny Flavors FTW Btw guys… CBD DOES work by itself, just take a Highatus and see!! You know what I mean?? Do you know what I am saying??? Oh, most definitely!
182 million, 999 thousand, 999 others. That's approximately how many people enjoy marijuana worldwide according to the 2017 edition of the United Nations' World Drug Report, which says the number could be as high as 238 million people worldwide (nearly double the population of Mexico).
That makes cannabis the most widely-used drug in the world.
In Las Vegas you can get it an ounce recreational 2 oz if you got a medical card. But that's every time you walk in and dispensary so you can get as much as you want really just not possess it.
Loved the content guys. Followed since the early wake and bakes. This is the real ones that isn't called real ones. Take it easy fellas and keep up the hard work.
Hey y'all, what ever happened to Terpy Tuesday homie? He would be awesome to have on the show (realize he's down south but cars lol). Like the new format, stunnas in my sack!
Acoustically treat your room my dudes. The echo/reverb is aids. Start off with some 3" thick 12"x12" acoustic wedge foam panels and maybe some bass absorbers in the corners if you can afford it. It'll make a huge difference in your audio quality.
Taking it to the next level no doubt. Kaepernick can EAD though if he had done his job like he was supposed to and not use the NFL as a platform for his personal agenda he would still be making those fat paychecks. Lost that money for a very good reason, try pulling that shit at your job and see what happens.
2 am in Houston and I thought I had a good podcast name (blunt talk) , would like to be on this show or express some good ideas that would interesting (@wtm_ty) on Instagram
Get dirtbag Dan on he in sanjo
Y’all should do a video about differentiating between good and bad concentrates! I work as a budtender in Seattle and the lack of public knowledge in the area is alarming
12:50 YEAH RIGHT -Danny Flavors FTW Btw guys… CBD DOES work by itself, just take a Highatus and see!! You know what I mean?? Do you know what I am saying??? Oh, most definitely!
soooooooooo pumped upppp guys. beeeen forever since i could steadily watch new dope content. superr pumped to see how it all gos
You guys still have your med cards, so I’m guessing that you don’t pay tax, yeah? But your aim was to talk about what it’s like for everyone else?
Been watching since like 5k subs man, yall are killin it still and im glad to see the new content.
100% you would of been HUGE if you didn’t fall off, also livestreams would me so worth it!!!! Like if you agree
The fda just approved a Canabis extracted drug I bet they get to use the banks with no problems kinda fucked up something gotta change
Prices are going to down quick
"More pesticides in tobacco than weed" – smoking a backwoods
Can I hit the like button 2 times?! Get the terp x in Washington. Would love to try. You guys are the shit
Hey you reached my from customgrow420s channel on my comment the other day! Came to check it out and im likin it!
I watched this from start to finish keep up the great content fellas 👍
182 million, 999 thousand, 999 others. That's approximately how many people enjoy marijuana worldwide according to the 2017 edition of the United Nations' World Drug Report, which says the number could be as high as 238 million people worldwide (nearly double the population of Mexico).
That makes cannabis the most widely-used drug in the world.
In Las Vegas you can get it an ounce recreational 2 oz if you got a medical card. But that's every time you walk in and dispensary so you can get as much as you want really just not possess it.
Since 12…. Now I know his problem. Ha
Can I rsvp for that party
Y'all should get Stephen Jackson former Golden State Warrior on, he smokes the fiyah 🔥
Y'all are tripping. In Oregon we get some insane deals my dudes.
Regular day regular dispo you can get an 1/8th of quality for $22 out the door.
On special deal days you get a quality half ounce forr $60.
Cheap ounces for $75 bro.
Cali is trippin
Loved the content guys. Followed since the early wake and bakes. This is the real ones that isn't called real ones. Take it easy fellas and keep up the hard work.
Hey y'all, what ever happened to Terpy Tuesday homie? He would be awesome to have on the show (realize he's down south but cars lol). Like the new format, stunnas in my sack!
Love you guys! Been watching from the beginning. Good to have ya'll back
I'm just glad there back
the NBA is the most strict with weed testing. They do 4 random tests for weed per year.
too bad im stuck down here in orange county in so cal lol
Acoustically treat your room my dudes. The echo/reverb is aids. Start off with some 3" thick 12"x12" acoustic wedge foam panels and maybe some bass absorbers in the corners if you can afford it. It'll make a huge difference in your audio quality.
Real shit guys! Yessssss!!! Love the new segment. And loving the vlog. Idk how you guys keep it coming, but good work both of you. Smoke purppppp!! 😉
Have had terp x many times and watches tons of your videos but I had no idea you where linked with that fuck ya man
Men on fire
Taking it to the next level no doubt. Kaepernick can EAD though if he had done his job like he was supposed to and not use the NFL as a platform for his personal agenda he would still be making those fat paychecks. Lost that money for a very good reason, try pulling that shit at your job and see what happens.
You guys should do a blunt talk tv live stream
I'd like you guys to talk about how to get into the cannabis industry. Thanks guys love the CCC come back
Man, so much respect to Terpx. Ive smoked ur shit and did not know it was yall
Yo here is a better name: Blunt Conversations
Yeaaa boy! the CCC is back…
Yall are in the bay now?
Im hella late
You needa getBerner on this!
Derek Carr > Kaeperdink.
never realer
Dig it man “This is life”dig it man strictly👌🏾💯✊🏾 Mad respect to all y’all 😎