35 Commentaires

  1. The best is bong vaporizer, like roor, herborizer, flowerpot, verdamper, elev8er, terptorch.
    With a bong vaporizer you can take easily take 6 hits instead of inhaling everything at once. You can just pace yourself to what you need, and the heater has seperate stand so the ABV is not scorced.

  2. Simplest bong design, courtesy of yours truly:

    Take a large oral syringe, and add a bit of water into it. Now put a joint/cigarette at the end, and pull the plunger.

    Shake around a bit, take out the joint/cigarette, and inhale as you push on the plunger.

  3. I dont pass a joint or blunt a around unless it my homie 💯 niggas don't kno how to handle nd care for the blunt as u hit it they jussmash the end down flatten it im like tf this ain't urs

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