20 Commentaires

  1. Josh i stopped soking weed a month ago for some personal reasons i dont know if u remember me i startet the dank mik meme on your twitch streams been watching you since 15k subs when you worked in a resturant, i just want you to know i still enjoy ur content high or not high ur a cool dude hope everything is well, i see you got a girlfreind witch is allways nice. loads of happy posetive cheers from denmark keep it up joshy 😀 <3

  2. Strain Centeral I've been smoking again since a year tolerance break and not even one hit gives me a buzz. I have to smoke a 2 gram blunt to even get high. Ive only been smokin for a week and I have to smoke a lot of weed to even feel high. Wtehf is wrong with me. I just wanna smoke weed again😶 like how it use to be. I can take one hit and consider myself sober for the rest of my life's eternity. This is my first time smoking weed since a 3 day break. College an shit. Gots college in 12 hours. High as shit. Okay bye

  3. Yo, everybody ignore that stupid chick and her fans that are accusing josh of scamming her/them. They're talking shit. We all know Josh would never do that. Especially to fans.

    For those that don't know, basically, another youtuber accused josh of scamming her because she got a shirt but never recieved it. What really happened (as josh stated multiple times) he's had issues with fullfillment on orders and is/was offering 100% refunds.

    I just dont want such a good dude's name and reputation to be dragged through dirt because of a misunderstanding.

    If Josh wants this post removed, i understand 100%

  4. i saw him at the rally. All he did was take attention away from people as venders literally stopped talking to us just to say hi to him. hes not a celeb idk why they had to be that rude. w.e. made the dude happy enough to give us free stuff.

  5. Quick weed question..
    Yesterday I inhaled correctly for the first time and I got weak and needed to sit down and I hugged a tree to keep myself up. Long story short I got to my friends house and was twitching, didn't feel like I was really here, whole body was tingly and hot, heart was racing. Someone let me know what was going on… was my weed laced or what? Bad high? Too much weed? Or was I just high for the first time?

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