Cannabis NEWS: September 2022.
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If your cannabis plants aren’t showing any signs of flowering by their ‘due date’ don’t worry. There’s usually a simple explanation … Check on YouTube
Pink Rozay #Shorts. Check on YouTube
Our Top-5 Fastest-growing Strains of Cannabis Plant for 2020 To avoid any confusion, here we are talking about strains of … Check on YouTube
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My three smokers habits are, #1 smoke, #2 eating and last but not least…#3 sleeping…
RoboBitch lolol
I came up through the ranks. I got busted 3 times. I own the first legal med growers license in Canada. This is an abomination.
Ugh, this looks horrible. Why use an AI model anyway?
Get rid of the vampire
did this shit kill anyone elses high due to the creepiness or was it just me
Wow. Use a real person. Get real. Really.
AI is gonna put so many people out on their asses.
Getting harder to tell every day.
Please help us fight for legalization in Ghana 🇬🇭
Ai reporting? Tax them and send my check!!!!! Nope? Nope! NORML news, coming up!
Hands are freaking me out
Hey Cannabis experts. Can you please nake a video on usong herbs instead of tobacco in joints n blunts?
Is this real 😳 wow bye
Not so cool sry
Am I the only one weirded out by the AI reporter?
It doesn't matter what newsom says that dude is pure trash just do some research
This is a cool idea. Getting news from around the globe
Please change the voice
This creepy as fuck
Not interested in modern cartoons ! Unsubcribed!
The Person looks real but the voice is not matching somehow.
Ewww… This lector is atrocious.
Good AI gen.
Decriminalisation in UK 👍 Please 🙏
legal in Canada 😁
Nice 👌
I made the mistake of rolling a H/D WIDE GLIDE that killed me. GOD returned me to show the world that THC gives my brain the ability to produce the base stem cell that travels in blood going to 1 & 2 receptor's that get turned into what is required.
Would that not then make having blood with THC in it more desirable in hospitals ?
HEMP will restore EARTH.
Thank you GOD for returning me. Please help me getting information out.
On 08-30-2008 I Had the worst motor bike wreck with no helmet on to survive in MONTANA. I died 3 times in life flight. It crushed my chest breaking all my ribs Many Times, putting ribs into both lungs, shattered pelvic bone in 5 pieces. I was in an 87 day coma, waking with a registered 5.5 brain injury.
I was told that THC saved my brain from lack of oxygen. Smoking Marijuana is opening my airway to accept oxygen. And the biggest is MARIJUANA is healing my brain.
It is THC-A that gives my brain what is needed to MAKE new CELLS.
MARIJUANA was used to make HEMP illegal .
~ It can HEAL humans, humanity, economy, EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE .
CARBONS are killing clouds. HENRY FORD proved "oil" fuel exhaust made them in 1927. That is why he made 60,000 cars run on HEMP fuel in 1942, with 0 carbon output.
It has been EARTHS health!
HEMP takes 4 times the CARBONS to grow than trees. . HEMP revitalized the SOIL, puts off more OXYGEN than trees.
Shit's creepy