If your dog or cat has anesthesia and surgery, you can give specific natural solutions to … Check on YouTube
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Hello, My 13 year old diabetic cat. On Lantus insulin one unit twice daily with her food. Half a can of friskies pate in the am and pm. We think (from info on internet etc that it is mammory gland cancer tumour. It’s ulcerated now and she keeps licking it. She also has lost a lot of weight. She still plays, eats, drinks, litter habits are good. She had surgery for pyometra about 3 ish years ago now and where is is already diabetic (diagnosed over 2 years now) we don’t want to do any surgury etc we would rather try to keep her comfortable untill we notice her quality of life changing or somthing we will have her put to sleep. We were wondering any tips that will help and things to watch for and anything to help to clean it or help pain? Thank you!!!!
Another excellent option….Dr. Jones CBD oil. Wonderful, very safe effective product. Get your kitties HIS brand of CBD oil. It is a high quality product in hemp oil carrier which makes it even more effective. Cats don't like the taste but doc says you can put the drops on the inside of their ear flap. It will just take a little longer to take effect through absorbtion vs orally. It's a tiny amount so I usually give it orally. The more frequently I give it (daily basis for some chronic conditions) the more they get used to taking it, not as objectionable. But they still see me coming a mile away when they hear the med cabinet close and hear the "tinking" of the glass eye dropper 😂
Just Make Sure The Cat Or Dog Has * NO CHEMICALS On Their Skin/Fur*** (Not Even A RESIDUE Of Their TOXIC 'All Natural' Shampoos Or Your Face Cosmetics, Hand Lotion, etc.) Wherever The DMSO Is Used.
Also, *DO NOT Use Plastic Gloves* Or Let The DMSO Come **Into Contact With Anything Synthetic**. And DO NOT Use DMSO In Conjunction With Pharma. Drugs. DMSO INTENSIFIES Everything. Even With Safe Natural Remedies, (Unless You Need The Magnification Effect) Minimize The Dosage (Of The OTHER Natural Remedy) While Using The DMSO, Then Gradually Work Up To The Usual Dosage.
My 13 year old diabetic cat. On Lantus insulin one unit twice daily with her food. Half a can of friskies pate in the am and pm. We think (from info on internet etc that it is mammory gland cancer tumour. It’s ulcerated now and she keeps licking it. She also has lost a lot of weight. She still plays, eats, drinks, litter habits are good. She had surgery for pyometra about 3 ish years ago now and where is is already diabetic (diagnosed over 2 years now) we don’t want to do any surgury etc we would rather try to keep her comfortable untill we notice her quality of life changing or somthing we will have her put to sleep. We were wondering any tips that will help and things to watch for and anything to help to clean it or help pain? Thank you!!!!
Another excellent option….Dr. Jones CBD oil. Wonderful, very safe effective product. Get your kitties HIS brand of CBD oil. It is a high quality product in hemp oil carrier which makes it even more effective. Cats don't like the taste but doc says you can put the drops on the inside of their ear flap. It will just take a little longer to take effect through absorbtion vs orally. It's a tiny amount so I usually give it orally. The more frequently I give it (daily basis for some chronic conditions) the more they get used to taking it, not as objectionable. But they still see me coming a mile away when they hear the med cabinet close and hear the "tinking" of the glass eye dropper 😂
If we need to wash our hands, what if kitty licks it? Is it okay for chronic skin wounds?
how do i know if my cats in pain?
Any recommendations or info on demodex mange???
You could always wear gloves, I’d assume. 🤔
I found out the hard way that metacam was more deadly than helpful. I lost my Isolde to it.
Murray, meows. That was cute.😃😃
Can a dog or cat lick it without harm? I have used it on my horses and myself but we are not likely to ingest it.
Just Make Sure The Cat Or Dog Has * NO CHEMICALS On Their Skin/Fur*** (Not Even A RESIDUE Of Their TOXIC 'All Natural' Shampoos Or Your Face Cosmetics, Hand Lotion, etc.) Wherever The DMSO Is Used.
Also, *DO NOT Use Plastic Gloves* Or Let The DMSO Come **Into Contact With Anything Synthetic**. And DO NOT Use DMSO In Conjunction With Pharma. Drugs. DMSO INTENSIFIES Everything. Even With Safe Natural Remedies, (Unless You Need The Magnification Effect) Minimize The Dosage (Of The OTHER Natural Remedy) While Using The DMSO, Then Gradually Work Up To The Usual Dosage.
Can it help dogs yoo