23 Commentaires

  1. cat families please Google FISS as well (Feline Injection Site Sarcomas) cancer from rabies and upper respiratory vaccines / we lost 2 kitties and recently amputated Checky's right front to scapula…. because of these vaccines ….. please research. Save your cat ! True !

  2. I hope you do a video about dogs also having vaccines. I have a 8 month old dog and a 1 and 7 month old dog. I called my vet yesterday asking what vaccines they had of their puppy shots. They had them all but said I needed to get all of them again to build their system up. My old vet never said I had to repeat their shots over & over only rabbi shots each year and I don't trust getting them each year. I have to this time cuz their going in for surgery for neuter & spay which I hate to do also. I read a dog doesn't need a rabbi shot every year as it can be every 5 or 6 years. Is that true?

  3. First cat I ever got , I had her vaccinated because I was moving out of state . With in 3 days she was dead ! Kidney failure on a 3 month cat . Worse mistake I ever made .

  4. I’ve never vaccinated my animals. My cats live to 17 and 18, horses 35 to 45 and dogs 15 to 17. Is it because we don’t vaccinate? I have no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I’m not going to start vaccinating to figure it out. Love your videos!

  5. I just recently saw your video about flea treatments. Thank you so much for that! I had asked this in the other comment, but I have a cat who suffer seizures from an injury from a dog attack as a kitten. My vet was very concerned about giving her topical flea treatments due to risk of more seizures, but she has a horrible flea allergy. We're doing the oil and it has seemed to stop her aggressive grooming. I had read that Irish moss was a potential option for skin irritation in cats and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on that? If you cannot attend the webinar do you record it and put it anywhere we can watch later? Thank you so much for the information you give, as it helps so much to have safe options for my baby who is pretty much my whole universe lol. ❤

  6. What do you think would happen if you never vaccinated your pets again?
    What if the only way your pets get “infected” is if they are “injected”?
    I have a firm belief that every so-called vaccine is a toxic mix of who-knows-what that produces an “immune response “.
    Try poisoning your pet in small doses with metal-laced concoctions and see what kind of “response “ you get.
    That’s essentially what is happening here, imo.
    It’s just that the antibody response is thought to be something beneficial.
    Is it, though?
    You are definitely thinking more critically than those ass-kissing drug pushers.
    Thank you for that.

  7. I just had to put down my 19 year old cat two weeks ago. His progressive kidney disease finally took away any quality of life. I was lucky to have him for 19 years, but if vaccines recommended by the vets caused his disease, that’s a real bummer.

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