Coming later this year 💫 avril 27, 2023 admin CBD News 39 The future is RAWesome! Artist: Highdro Song: My Best Summer #RAWpapers. Check on YouTube rawpapers
CBD News The RAW Munchies Box décembre 15, 2023 admin CBD News 7 You can’t play until you put your sheet away! is your rolling setup too big? Do you have rolling supplies all over your house? Check on YouTube
CBD News Would DOOBIE My Valentine? janvier 26, 2024 admin CBD News 23 Let that special someone know how you really feel by giving a RAW Valentine’s Day Card ❤️ Don’t worry if your lost for words, … Check on YouTube
Glad to find you on YouTube beter than the clock app been following you for a while on the other app Répondre
Oh look a useless electric device when u get sticky weed what u think is breaking first nah I'm not lazy I can manage just fine Répondre
Josh can we PLEASE get a review to know the machine packs cones that DONT RUN. it's my worst nightmare… luv u Répondre
Fuk ya Josh that's the 💣!
Take my money 💰
Are these for sale
Take my money now🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I'm so excited (pssst send me one I'll review it)
Glad to find you on YouTube beter than the clock app been following you for a while on the other app
This is so awesome I need one sooner than later this year
Law-day! A dream come true for us oldsters!♥️
It's like a garlic bread!!!!!!
Lmk when that joint comes out
how much
Imma start saving now
Elevate, Innovate, Evolution. Love to see it ❤❤❤❤
Does anybody know what song this is?
Rolling is an art form so I’ll pass but cool invention tho 👍🏼
Watch it be 400 plus tax , it’s pretty cool but watch that price be above 500 lol
Wow. Going to be great at a party. Can't wait man!
I need this asap
I hope it’s not 2000
Shut up and take my money 😂
Is it cordless? 🤞🏾
Bruh this man will break this one day open it and find a pound of keif
You finally figured it out Josh!! Can’t wait
I don't even smoke anymore, but I still want this. Just looks cool
cant wait for this too come out
I’ve been watching and waiting for this product for over 3 years 😭 Finally 😬🫡
Someone please tell me what this is called I want one
Oh look a useless electric device when u get sticky weed what u think is breaking first nah I'm not lazy I can manage just fine
Why did you hide the material before you dumped it in? Does it have to be pre ground?
I need it
this is going on my Christmas list.
Josh can we PLEASE get a review to know the machine packs cones that DONT RUN. it's my worst nightmare… luv u
Yooooooo, I need this
Don't forget to put in the preroll paper or your gonna have a little mess.
wow thats sick af. hope it wont break the bank
Unfortunately the likelihood of getting one of these in new Zealand is almost impossible