47 Commentaires

  1. Underway on a Sub, the crew always looked forward to breakfast, lunch, dinner and Midrats. That was then. Now? They're experimenting with the Military in the form of Fake (pink) meat. STAY AWAY from the Mil while our countries gov has been corrupted.

  2. I served 4 years in the U.S. Army and I always thought the food was very good. 2 lines(fast type food, burgers, hot dogs, french fries etc. and the second line rice, pork chops and other dinner plate food. I served most of my time in alaska. Excellent ice cream🍦🇺🇸

  3. I have eaten with US marines when I worked in my local military dockyard. Its only now I look back I realise how much of a privilege that actually was 🙂 (different table) We were engineers not warriors haha How many people can say THAT? I love my career. (medically retired now)

  4. So Cassandra is super cute but she has no idea what a continental breakfast is. What she described was much closer to an English breakfast. There’s nothing fried in a continental breakfast.

  5. Why are they using recruits to work in the kitchen and feed everyone. Hire a cook for that. Don’t waste the kid who found the courage to put their life on the line and join the armed forces. Listen to how they explain it. It’s basically a 24/7 job. When do they do anything else? You know, like training…

  6. After six hours of UNREP was completed, chilled to the bone and with raw hands we'd ask "Chief are they holding chow? Yes they are holding it". We'd get to the mess deck and find a six curled up, dried out burger patties and a pan of water with 100 peas floating in it.
    Of course that was my ship and every command is different, even every cook rotation of every command.
    Bravo Zulu.

  7. Very good! Hard work keeping the people fed!!! We need nourishment to be ready to fight!!! And these hard working folks keep the conveyor belt moving!!!! With great food!!! It’s hard to make good tasting food for 1500 people at once but they do it!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND “LETS GO BRANDON”!

  8. to all the people who wrote comments about how they just loved the food when they were in – what the fck navy were you in? not the same one as me – on the carrier we ate hot dogs and pineapple juice twice a day for 45 days at a pop – people who actually work and get dirty are not allowed on the mess decks – the bullshit in these videos makes me want to scream

  9. The most important sections for an officer make friends with; catering officer- keep your people fed, medical officer- keep your people healthy, engineering officers- keep your craft flying. Finally, logistics officers; they're the ones that organise the movement of all of the above.

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