37 Commentaires

  1. That's why I kept saying that terrorism against USA is a stupid move.
    Let USA be and USA will destroy itself from within.
    Keep your resources for yourself, USA will destroy itself using it's own resources.

  2. Nino Brown: " I'm not guilty. You're the one that's guilty. The lawmakers, the politicians, the Columbian drug lords, all you who lobby against making drugs legal. Just like you did with alcohol during the prohibition. You're the one who's guilty. I mean, c'mon, let's kick the ballistics here: Ain't no Uzi's made in Harlem. Not one of us in here owns a poppy field. This thing is bigger than Nino Brown. This is big business. This is the American way."

  3. The USA has always instilled a fear of [only] Communism so strong that when other countries fall victim to it, it's viewed as a dire threat to us. Since Congress wouldn't allow for funding to fight Communism in Nicaragua, the CIA took it upon itself to get the money by other means. And their agents got to play Drug Lord while doing it! Their conscious was clear as long as the drugs being sold on America's streets were contained to the big bad urban communities. RIP Kiki.

    What really gets to me is that people like what's his face…the Jewish right winger with the Youtube channel insist that systemic racism ended with the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s. And yet here we have a clear example of systemic racism taking place decades later. And the kicker is that although 2 out of 3 crack users were white, to this day it is still considered a Black drug and Black families were the ones who faced a merciless criminal justice system over it. Today's opioid addict gets drug court to help keep them out of jail and with their children, methadone maintenance to deter drug seeking behaviors, and group therapy. #life

  4. If they allowed and protect them that exported it. Then they lay as well have been on the block slinging it. Turned a blind eye with the seeing eye arrest those selling what they allowed to enter

  5. The dirtiest bunch of criminals to hit the scene! Drugssssss! They still sell drugs! They need the money for military top secret operations! They need to depopulate the planet! Any more questions?

  6. Look up Gary Webb…and MANY others HE KNEW thats why hes DEAD…..Hell Noriega knows..thats why they WONT let him out..hell hes been in so long i thought he was dead already..Freeway Rick Ross ( not the rapper) his connection was the dam CIA…but he didnt even know…im surprised THEY havent killed him..let alone let him out of jail..Its so deep…reagan himself should have been locked up along with others on capital hill , military and people in OTHER countries..READ AND LOOK AT MANY VIDEOS AS YOU CAN ABOUT COCAINE FROM THE 70s to the 90s…

  7. The fentanyl epidemic on white people will be far worst than crack was on black people. It's called chickens coming home to roost. When you dig a ditch dig two. The one you dug for me will be for you. You have 60 and 70 year old crack smokers still living but fentanyl smokers whites are dying from age 10 and up. Fentanyl is killing people by the thousands. Once drugs hit white people something must be done about it. They only care when whites are affected by drugs.

  8. I'm good friends with a family friend of the Webbs. I heard about this long before kill the messenger. Let me ask you this: how did Webb shoot himself in the head–TWICE??? … He didn't. Our tax dollars at work. Please be skeptical, question every official narrative & be aware of the potential financial & political motives behind them. Some truths are hard to swallow, but its still better than believing a lie.

  9. They are doing it now again. With Meth 1st. But that hit the wrong demographic. An it hit hard. Now they are pushing fentanyl. To cover the meth problem up. Only thing is fentanyl is killing everybody. Which was the goal. Hay look see!!!! It's everybody not just me!!! Kind of thing. Follow the history.

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