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A lot has happened to Amsterdam since 1967, however recently Amsterdam has been changing a lot more, and not necessarily … Check on YouTube
At the beginning of the year i made a video about the top 5 strains of 2020 so far, and i said i wanted to make an updated video at … Check on YouTube
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“im pissed that my tolerance is too high” is basically how that comment reads
I dont give a shit what anyone says low tolerance is fucking lit
bc u smokin that gas hommie hehe
How much you put in a J mate? 0.25 is the standard barer for any smoker new or old.
I need a break never really had one smoke it all day long even at work maybe 10 joints a day and the only thing it really does to or for me at this point is let me think about something properly and calmly
It’s not that they don’t get high, it’s that their stress receptors are active like a mf to the weed. They need to calm tf down and chill
It’s happening to me. I hate it. Gotta take more T-breaks and focus on my business n save time for weed on the weekends lowkey
What your saying is true i did see one of your videos where you was just closing ur eyes 😂
Alternative name for channel : trust fund kid discovered weed and made it his whole life because he has no other personality
Damn, I didn’t even say those comments but you called me out , I need a T break bad but mental health just plummets without the meds or smoking and I won’t go back to the meds
take a break, u sound brain dead
Those who brag on amount of weed they smoke clearly have a small nob so they want to feel too cool.
Your stoned face looks put on
Everyone can smoke one j and still get high. Weed is not like chasing the dragon.
What ever the effect its better than being a piss head 😂😂
Anyone writing comments like this are trucked anyway…
torrence level 110% 😂
The real question is why do UK people talk out of there nose so much. A simple fix would change there language lol.
Fake it till you make it😂
Lol ive been smoking every day for almost 8 years now. I only get high off my first j of the day and then thats usually the highest ill get all day but just cause some ones stopped getting high doesnt mean they think there cool since weed is a drug plenty of us are addicted which inevitably is gonna make your tolerance go up. I dont smoke weed to get high anymore i smoke it for stress and the only reason im commenting this is i dont like how full of urself ur acting
Bragging about bein greened out looool
I meet people who have been smoking for less years than me but put 0.70+ in every joint and their tolerance is fuuuuucked now 😭 Feel lucky I can go as low as 0.10 and still get high and if I go 0.30+ for a personal then I’ll be completely toasted 😅
Why do you pay any attention to dumb comments let alone make video replies to them