Do you want a LOT LOT LOT of cones? février 21, 2024 admin CBD News 15 We heard you guys loud and clear! You want « More and more Cones! » We took our Raw Classic Cones that are backrolled on our … Check on YouTube rawpapers
CBD News Welcome to RAW Paradise avril 4, 2024 admin CBD News 21 Join RAW as we take you on a journey thru RAW Paradise! #RAWpapers #explore. Check on YouTube
CBD News RAW GUM Strips novembre 3, 2022 admin CBD News 12 RAW FLEX SEAL #rawpapers #rollingpapers #rawgumstrips. Check on YouTube
CBD News Treat your re-light right to enjoy later with delight 🔥 mai 12, 2023 admin CBD News 29 Check on YouTube
I personally love to roll my own joins but I forgot raw did the cone pre rolls. Awesome ! Might just get it for the fuck of it when I’m lazy 😜 Répondre
Love theses comes my hands shake too much so regular rolling is pretty much impossible and these are a lifesaver Répondre
Youreee welcooooooooome😅😂😂
Josh push them out there cause we cant find them all we find are fakes
I can be a robotic automatic back-rolled coning machine
I wish there were physical raw stores in different places so I could get the new stuff
I bought one of their machines, them shits actually work
How much for this package
I thought this was dynamite
Tell me you have the best job ever without telling me you have the best job ever.
I personally love to roll my own joins but I forgot raw did the cone pre rolls. Awesome ! Might just get it for the fuck of it when I’m lazy 😜
Once again awesome job by the social media manager I love it
These are nice. But i can roll faster than packing trees into it.
Blunts are the most inefficient way to light greens.
Gravity Bongs are the way to do it
The fuckin goaaaaattttt
Love theses comes my hands shake too much so regular rolling is pretty much impossible and these are a lifesaver