33 Commentaires

  1. Your body creates more enzymes to metabolize things the more you ingest that way it can maintain homeostasis. If you have thc in your body and you eat your body is gonna try to break down stuff quicker including thc that's why eating makes you feel less high. It just makes you come down faster.

  2. I think eating while having just smoked makes you more high. Or at least increases the feelings of pleasure you feel while eating and the flavor…which leads to more positive vibes and maybe a better higher…Really fatty, salty or sweet foods become so much more pleasurable under the influence. It's easy to get your mind blown and appreciative with things in this mindset in general, so with that in mind, I've felt foods kick up the Eurphoria a little bit. And I don't just mean foods that naturally increase Euphoria. Could be in my head. But I've definitely felt it personally.

  3. You can't really just say no to something that is a perspective view on things. Just because your body is still chemically under the effects of thc doesnt mean a person can feel less high by eating. I do it blows my buzz every single time no matter what. My motor functions may be still being affected and my body is still processing cananabinoids, but the dopamine dump from the food overrides the pleasure receptors in my brain allowing me to not be able to feel it as much. Or at least in theory what I think is happening. It could be caused by something else but just like with alcohol still affecting someone's body even though they feel more sober after food does happen this can happen and does happen for some people too.

  4. Have you ever had it get to anti munchies where you don't feel like eating after? I have had that but i have not heard anyone else mention it before.

  5. a topic that came up is how to get rid of a high quickly, the only time i've went from high to not high was when the high got scared out of me. might just be me though.

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