33 Commentaires

  1. Its time for me to make my eye's look like yours so I will smell mine and see if I smell anything lol. Vape smells nothing close to dry and vaping in brand new houses we build I've had no complaints and I have even vaped in Walmart but would not dream of firing up flower in either place🤣

  2. I've used the Carfty+ and Mighty in my appointment (2years), I can notice a smell linger if I vape enough herb, though no complaints from any neighbors so far 🤞(on 2nd floor) I'm honestly on the fence about getting a Volcano or Arizer Extreme q because I worry how much smell they'll emit.

  3. I always enjoy your videos. I agree smoking vs vaping the smell is so much better. I haven't had anyone say anything about my vape smelling but smoke and people say they smell that on you almost all day.

  4. Hey Alex! (requisite comment for future poster give-aways) I find that raw, unground flower has a stronger odour than the residue from vaping. My wife (who doesn't like the smell) finds the fragrance of my grinding sessions more offensive than my vaping seshes. Vaping ROCKS!

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