38 Commentaires

  1. Raw bones will clean even bad tarter buildup if you can get an older dog to chew. May take a few times since the teeth/gums may be sensitive. If they chew and clean up some of the tarter, give them a few days and more bone and they will progress to more teeth.

  2. Both my dogs Do Not like their teeth touched. So both my guys get a bit of Manuka Honey (loads of antibacterial properties in it) daily which they will lick right off the spoon. They also love coconut oil, but won’t consume it off a spoon. So I dab some on the top of their paws and then they will clean/lick it off their paws.

  3. I've been coating their biscuits with honey/ coconut oil mixture. And give it to them for their bed time treat. When they crunch the biscuits the mixture gets into every cranny of their teeth and gums.

  4. Thank you! I truly appreciate this information as my poodle has never let me brush her teeth and I’m always left feeling bad after a vet visit. It would of been nice to know these alternatives from my own vet but like I said I truly appreciate you taking the time to make this video!

  5. Another great helpful informative video. Esp helpful for those that are fed up with ridiculous costs of vet care. Dental is at the top. It's incredibly helpful to be given your suggestions for at home care instead of doing nothing!

  6. I must thank Dr AJ lots for letting us know these remedies at the appropriate time. It was really troubling me as how to brush my 1 yr pups teeth as he was chewing on the toothbrush & held it tight in between his teeth & didn't lemme brush at all.

    I have coconut oil – extra virgin raw unfiltered, aloe Vera juice, green tea & honey and will start with aloe Vera juice.

  7. Thank you doctor Jones. Now I’ll know what to do with all 4 of my dogs.

    After all that demo on how to clean the dog’s teeth Tula is going to end up with a Colgate smile ✨😬 ✨

  8. I think we are not feeding our dogs the rights kind of things if we now have to have dentil visits! I know locally there is a lady who wraps dog in a blanket and does the cleaning without knocking them out! I also give my dog big bones, and the gnawing gets off most of the crap on her teeth. My local dentist has suggested a cleaning at starting $1200. And mentioned an extraction as she had her canine tooth chipped!! All just a money making scam. Thanks for all these tips!

  9. I’ve been brushing my dogs teeth every night but she fights like crazy. I need to scale her teeth, but she won’t let me. I wish she would chew healthy bones and other natural teeth cleaners, but she’s not a chewer. So all these natural helps are beneficial as part of her overall health plan.

  10. generic kelp powder works just as good. but yes i think the iodine content limits the amount you can give. i accidentally imbalanced my dog's diet with too much iodine with a fish head bone broth that I made and during that time his raw meaty bone scraped off A LOT of stubborn plaque. i correct the iodine dosage though after i found out

  11. I’ve been using plaqueoff for years. My yorkie Teddie gets a A + from vet every-time and he’s 7 – no plaque never had a cleaning at vet office. I do brush 1-2 times a week.

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