25 Commentaires

  1. My dog ate a sock, I gave him a tea spoon of olive oil (he is 50 pounds) for lubrication becuase I didn’t have Vaseline. I gave him a bit more 6 hours later. 14 hours after the incident and now he has diarrhea. He is drinking, playing, eating etc but the diarrhea concerns me. Could the diarrhea be caused by olive oil or due to obstruction? How long after eating a sock can a dog get obstruction?

  2. My dog ate a nylon stocking. I took him to emergency and they gave him something to make him vomit. To everybody's relief, the long stocking came out before it entered his intestines. I wouldn't have felt comfortable treating him myself, but I'm lucky, his vet clinic has 24 hour emergency services. If that wasn't an option, it's good to know alternatives.

  3. My 5 lb dog had a twisty tie and a q-tip get stuck halfway out of her butt (at separatetimes). I could not believe that she had eaten them both and survived it.

  4. Our first dog when we we clueless ate a hole through a bean bag chair and then ate as much of the white stuff inside as he could. He once ate a bar of soap and had jumped in the tub to eat it, he barked till he was rescued. He got on top of my moms glass table and ate most of a cantaloupe and couldn’t get down. He once ate 6 large bagels, once nearly 3/4 of a cake. He had an iron stomach once he got out and had eaten something he puked it up and ate it again before I could grab him. He lived to be 18 years old!

  5. Our American Bully has extremely bad allergies, to the point that she has huge blisters between her toes which leads to never ending paw licking. Is there anything we can do to help her. She presently gets an allergy shot every month and paw soaks every time she goes out for her business. Please any advise is appreciated Thank thank you

  6. As a pit bull owner I've dealt with all kinds of craziness. I use vitamin E oil or olive oil to help anything pass through the digestive tract. I take ZERO chances , as I lost a baby to bloat. Two to three tablespoons of oil a day. If they show no improvement in 24 hours….go directly to the vet!!!!!!! Its a messy process (passing gas is a nightmare). I still cry over my Princess. We tried but the emergency vet was only concerned with money. A very hard lesson learned. Blockages/bloat are deadly.

  7. vaseline is kind of toxic isn't it or maybe not for dogs?? a petroleum product. I might choose to use another type of oil instead like MRT coconut oil or grapeseed oil?

  8. my dog ate parts of the pages of a library book earlier this year. so I needed to pay for the damage. Also years earlier the same dog ate the toe part of a leather boot. A dog I had about 16 years earlier ate the crouch of my undies that was in the pile of to be washed items. They can also eat the hard plastic eyes from stuffed toys of children, so they need to be kept away from puppies, they do seam to do it in separation anxiety moments or boredom moments when your not looking.They might be smelling our scent on personal items, also the teething time in pups is a time where we need to take care. I wonder if a dog or puppy is feeling unwell and a bit sore if they would chew items for comfort.

  9. I had a dog ate a purple rubber glove
    Took him to the doggie Er and they honesty did not have any ideas what to do
    The person takes the films was off due to the holiday
    The vet on call said she was not good with surgery
    I just left and
    gave him table spoon of olive oil
    Walk walked him every half hour to keep the inside moving
    Finally the purple rubber glove
    Came out
    The Er called me a couple days later saying the person was in the office
    I said I took care of it
    I never went back

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