24 Commentaires

  1. Why cook the food? Their wild cousins don't cook their meals. I've been serving species appropriate raw food diets to my dogs and cats for over 13 years with great sucess. We rarely see a veterinarian.

  2. I don't give my dog any grains. She has very bad allergies, but is almost recovered and is doing well now that I have stopped giving her kibble and make her food. She is a good weight at about 12 lbs.
    My question is what would you suggest to replace the rice? I don't give her any grains. I give her fresh cooked red sockeye salmon, canned whole sardine in water, mixture of all types of organic veggies, yam, small measure amount of green muscle oil,tumeric, lemon balm, B12 high quality from Vimergy, zinc, mushroom extract powder, cats claw. So far so good. But I need to find out how much meat per her body weight she needs? I'm still not sure if I want to include egg in her diet. But I do want to make sure she's getting the calcium she needs so 
    I wanted to order your supplement buy it's on back order now.
    Thank you

  3. I'm sure that is a really good meal. My 75lb Lab has bad dandruff and itches a lot!! We've been going to the Vet for her Cytopoint shot that is at times useless. 1 time was a charm, after that, the shots didn't seem to be that effective. Those shots are about $160 a pop because of her weight. Now to try and cook that much food up at a time for our dog would be sorta+- costly, but I guess if you wanted to spend a Saturday making up about 25lbs of that stuff for the week maybe be worth it? I'll take feedback. I did see the vid on the paw solution for itchy feet. That would be hard to get her to sit there for 5 min a paw for treatment. We have a running creek by the house she gets into ALL the time for a drink. If that's part of the issue, we're all "up the creek" trying to fight a loosing battle.

  4. 😀thank you so much Dr. John for the recipe, I have all the ingredients for my 2 months German shepherd puppy 💖 I already prepared the grounded egg shell 🥚 and thanks a lot for the oil tip, I had no idea it is good for dogs health, can you please add more videos of other recipes please🥺 Also I have two cats and the female cat is very mean to my new puppy, the poor thing runs and hide when he sees her😭 I want him to be a tough dog, any ideas how to calm him 🤕

  5. I have 2 super picky dogs (maltipoo and poodle mix) one has environmental allergies, they get sick o their food super fast, tops they will eat anything is couple of months, then…I fall into this cycle where I change their food gradually but that upsets their tummy, they have sensitivie tummies too. I am overwhelmed and frustrated, they are my babies, and I try to do everything right, but nothing seems to work! I would love to give them a homemade diet, but I gave them ground turkey the other day and still dealing w/tummy issues. I just took 1 to the vet, waiting for results for blood test, they said I should check for pancretitis. They both itch a lot too, I know that tummy issues and itchiness can be connected. I guess I am just hoping you can possibly give me a bit of guidance as what route I may take. Thank you in advance!! is there any way I can book an appt with you?

  6. Thank you so much for posting homemade dog food recipes. I had no idea where to start but your videos make it easy to create healthy and balanced food for my dog.

  7. Yeah I couldn't feed my boy on the counter as he
    poos and urinates while he's eating! lol I kid you
    not so outside is where I have to feed him! This
    looks like a great recipe. So you prefer cooking
    the meat over raw?

  8. I watched your video on 7 pet food ingredients you should avoid and one of them was rice. Your home cook recipe here has brown rice. Do you still feel the same about rice and that we should avoid diets with rice? I have a 1 yr old Frenchie Bulldog who has sensitive stomach and we are in transition to new diets due to some food allergy. He’s been having soft stool and I can’t seem to get him back to regular. He was doing Salmon and sweet potato and that really improved the stool but he’s allergic to sweet potato, so I changed it to salmon and brown rice and the stool is soft. Can you give any suggestions. He’s also taking Tylan daily. I tried canned pumpkin but only gave 1 teaspoon and it didn’t help. He’s 33 lbs. We will soon be doing a trail of Farmers Dog and changing the kibble diet to LID also changing to different protein as well, turkey.

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