Dr Jones’ Free Book If your cat is throwing up and you are wanting to help at home then … Check on YouTube
49 Commentaires
I saw someone on here post about freshly ground flax seed ( I keep in freezer after grinding) added to dogs food daily ( I use 1 to 1 1/2 tsp) and it has completely changed my dogs being able to walk again with arthritis… I’m taut myself now.❤
Congratulations, Tula! But, Tula isn’t a large dog. Ours are Golden-Lab mixes. I didn’t learn anything new and am doing most everything here. We also give mushroom powder, NuVet, and other supplements. We feed freeze dried for one meal a day and add extra protein via gently cooked meats. Plus, I make bone broth: just as important for animals as people. There are lots of good anti-inflammatory supplements that do a good job giving relief for arthritis, like Finn’s. But, not giving vaccines is the most important! I had a dog who was sensitive but it didn’t show up til he was 5 and he got a wart-like thing on his ear. That’s when I took a hard look at vaxes because I learned the growth was a reaction to the shots. I only gave puppy shots and tested titers. The rabies lasted 10 years before the other puppy shots took my beloved Sophie from me. She was exceedingly healthy but got a blood-fed growth on her pericardium that began bleeding!! No warning!! I spoke with Dr. Robb’s office and they recommend ONLY rabies at 6 months and the lowest dose possible. I go through them to get titers done. It’s the cheapest since vet offices started raising the price 3x more than doing shots. Can you guess why?
Congrats Tula. My dog Toncy lived until she was 16. Honestly, we lived holistically for most of her life. HGE Is what took her life. Medically it was either Sepsis or from severe dehydration. I wanted to deny this because it is hard for me to believe that someone would intentionally hurt my dog. My dog's vet refused to give my dog intravenous fluids. I asked for it and I don't know why he did not do this. After my research, I found out that is what she needed. He said that two more hours of dehydration would not make a difference in saving her. She was given an Opiod, Cerena, and subco fluids. She was in a comma-like state an hour after we left the vet, I thought it was the opioid and then I realized her tongue shriveled. Soon enough I had to accept that she was dying and two hours later she did. I never knew the actual cause of death. I read 95% OF senior pets survive HGE. Would you be open to discussing HGE and diet @veterinarysecrets? I gave my dog natural food and frozen food. But it was out for a couple of hours in a cooler with ice. Did bacteria grow there that caused HGE? Could you discuss food bacteria growth?
Happy Birthday Tula! She sure looks good for a 12 year old. Well done Dr Jones for keeping your pets so healthy and happy. I love seeing Tula – she is such a chilled out little girl. I don't jab my pets either apart from their initial ones required by the vets. Healthy 11yr old cats and 9yr old dog. Lots of love Dr Jones xx
I completely changed my dogs diet based on your recommendations and it totally turned him around. I feed my cairn terrier 1/2 kibble and 1/2 homemade food twice a day. He’s 18 and feeling great now. I wish I had started it years ago. I also vary the protein and vegetables. He’s a very slow walker now, so I walk him about 20 minutes, then I put him in a jogging stroller so I can get some exercise, and he loves it!
Happy birthday Tula! ❤ Dr Jones, would you mind making a video for dogs that have pancreatitis? My dog's diet has to be low fat but I would still like to include some additional supplements.
I just lost my pit bull MAXX Oct 18th 2023.. He was 17. My other 3 miss him, look for him , sniff around his kennel. The whole energy in our house is different. His presence is sorely missed. He was lucid, not incontinent, mobile, he could see, his hearing was going but he was doing great then he was lying in the sun napping and never woke up. 😢 he's never had veternary issues. Sweet boy. Although he was a fierce dog in his day. Onlybever gotbalong with my girl Puppy. They have been together all of her 14 years and she's lost without him. So sad💔
My Rat Terrier Zest is 14 and I make most of her food plus some freeze dried raw, hasn't had a vaccine since her first set of puppy shots and she loves to go shopping and for car rides! Anytime she seems a little under the weather a car ride perks her right up
Yes, on all that! I used to subscribe to Western medicine like lemmings running off the cliff! So, so very damaging to animals, to inc. misdiagnoses and vet-caused deaths! My knowledge base evolved to include wholesome, natural approaches that strengthen the core of the animal and stave off health issues as a result! Many happier peeps who live longer lives uncomplicated by Big Pharma induced lifestyles, panic and paranoia!
You are the best doctor i have heard ever. I am old, had a lot of dogs and other animals, have been in many vet rooms……i think i really know what i am saying. Stay as you are.
I have a 14yo mutt with reoccurring mast cell cancer. She had surgery several years ago and I refused to let the vet operate again. I put her on fenbendazole, dosage per one of your videos. After a month, it wasn't helping and she was going downhill fast. I added Ivomec and within 2 days it was like a miracle. She completely turned around. She is as active as she was 2 years ago. I also started with Cetrizine 10mg/day for the histamines and she gets Vit E and chaga powder on her food. I am also using the poultice you recommended in a recent video on a lesion on her stomach. It seems to be getting smaller. She gets the fenben Mon-Wed and the Ivomec Thur-Sun. Thank you Doctor Jones for all the information you provide and thank you for being a vet that actually CARES about the animals. ❤❤❤
Great video! Our 50-lb Jack Russell Mix is going to turn 14 in six months. She still walks over two miles a day. Yes, she’s slowed down from her six miles a day ten years ago. But she’s pretty physically healthy. Since we adopted her 11 years ago, we’ve fed her grain free kibble, frozen raw meat, and vegetables. She is diabetic now, so I have to give her twice daily insulin, but mentally, she’s in great condition. I have backed off her vaccinations as I don’t like the stories I’m reading.
Happy Birthday, Tula!!! You are one lucky dog to have Dr. Jones as your daddy. My girl is 14 yrs. old. I've been cooking for her for 13 years, but she is getting near her end of life. She's my best four-legged friend ever. It will be sad when she leaves us, but my husband says she will be scouting ahead of us, like she does here on our former off leash walks. Thanks Doc for the wealth of information you give us. I wish vets were allowed to practice medicine as they wish. They only prescribe meds or surgery for everything.
Not sure how kibble is keeping her young. I’m glad she’s a relatively vibrant healthy dog, but kibble is at best junk food and at worst diseased dead feed grade animal bi-products. The synthetic vitamins are not optimal and the probiotics thrown in don’t survive the extrusion process. I would look into Susan Thixton’s list of the best dog and cat foods because she gets all of the specifics with regard to quality, sourcing, etc so you know you have a high quality product to feed your animals. I would also look at Dr Karen Becker, Dr Judy Morgan, Dr Katie Woodley, etc for resources in regard to diet. They talk about the differences between fresh vs processed foods…raw, gently cooked, freeze dried, air dried, and kibble. There are so many proven benefits to feeding things other than kibble. You don’t have to make your dog’s food because there are so many brands that make and deliver high quality dog food now.
Great video Dr. Jones! Thank you! I was wondering if you could do another video on cooking for your dog. I don’t give kibble or canned. We only cook. We got really relaxed on it too. If we are cooking chicken breast, that’s what our Maxwell gets too (non GMO, good for us then good for him!). We use your supplement powder always and the krill oil. Sometimes he gets veggies with his meals and sometimes we are short on time and he just gets the protein. Is that OK? It’s not often, but it happens. Thanks again for a great video!!!!!
I saw someone on here post about freshly ground flax seed ( I keep in freezer after grinding) added to dogs food daily ( I use 1 to 1 1/2 tsp) and it has completely changed my dogs being able to walk again with arthritis… I’m taut myself now.❤
🎉 Happy birthday Tula 🎉😊
Happy Birthday Tula.
Awesome, Doctor, great advice! Thank you SO much.
Congratulations, Tula!
But, Tula isn’t a large dog. Ours are Golden-Lab mixes.
I didn’t learn anything new and am doing most everything here. We also give mushroom powder, NuVet, and other supplements. We feed freeze dried for one meal a day and add extra protein via gently cooked meats. Plus, I make bone broth: just as important for animals as people.
There are lots of good anti-inflammatory supplements that do a good job giving relief for arthritis, like Finn’s.
But, not giving vaccines is the most important! I had a dog who was sensitive but it didn’t show up til he was 5 and he got a wart-like thing on his ear. That’s when I took a hard look at vaxes because I learned the growth was a reaction to the shots.
I only gave puppy shots and tested titers. The rabies lasted 10 years before the other puppy shots took my beloved Sophie from me. She was exceedingly healthy but got a blood-fed growth on her pericardium that began bleeding!! No warning!!
I spoke with Dr. Robb’s office and they recommend ONLY rabies at 6 months and the lowest dose possible. I go through them to get titers done. It’s the cheapest since vet offices started raising the price 3x more than doing shots. Can you guess why?
Congrats Tula. My dog Toncy lived until she was 16. Honestly, we lived holistically for most of her life. HGE Is what took her life. Medically it was either Sepsis or from severe dehydration. I wanted to deny this because it is hard for me to believe that someone would intentionally hurt my dog. My dog's vet refused to give my dog intravenous fluids. I asked for it and I don't know why he did not do this. After my research, I found out that is what she needed. He said that two more hours of dehydration would not make a difference in saving her. She was given an Opiod, Cerena, and subco fluids. She was in a comma-like state an hour after we left the vet, I thought it was the opioid and then I realized her tongue shriveled. Soon enough I had to accept that she was dying and two hours later she did. I never knew the actual cause of death. I read 95% OF senior pets survive HGE. Would you be open to discussing HGE and diet @veterinarysecrets? I gave my dog natural food and frozen food. But it was out for a couple of hours in a cooler with ice. Did bacteria grow there that caused HGE? Could you discuss food bacteria growth?
Happy Birthday Tula💕
Happy Birthday Tula! She sure looks good for a 12 year old. Well done Dr Jones for keeping your pets so healthy and happy. I love seeing Tula – she is such a chilled out little girl. I don't jab my pets either apart from their initial ones required by the vets. Healthy 11yr old cats and 9yr old dog. Lots of love Dr Jones xx
I completely changed my dogs diet based on your recommendations and it totally turned him around. I feed my cairn terrier 1/2 kibble and 1/2 homemade food twice a day. He’s 18 and feeling great now. I wish I had started it years ago. I also vary the protein and vegetables. He’s a very slow walker now, so I walk him about 20 minutes, then I put him in a jogging stroller so I can get some exercise, and he loves it!
Happy birthday Tula! ❤ Dr Jones, would you mind making a video for dogs that have pancreatitis? My dog's diet has to be low fat but I would still like to include some additional supplements.
I just lost my pit bull MAXX Oct 18th 2023.. He was 17. My other 3 miss him, look for him , sniff around his kennel. The whole energy in our house is different. His presence is sorely missed. He was lucid, not incontinent, mobile, he could see, his hearing was going but he was doing great then he was lying in the sun napping and never woke up. 😢 he's never had veternary issues. Sweet boy. Although he was a fierce dog in his day. Onlybever gotbalong with my girl Puppy. They have been together all of her 14 years and she's lost without him. So sad💔
Happy Birthday Tula! Dr Jones, I love your videos. Thank you for all the info you give.
Arnica is great too!
My Rat Terrier Zest is 14 and I make most of her food plus some freeze dried raw, hasn't had a vaccine since her first set of puppy shots and she loves to go shopping and for car rides! Anytime she seems a little under the weather a car ride perks her right up
She sooooo cute, but what kibbles do you give her , when you do give kibbles?
Happy Birthday Tula! Many more years! No Kibbles!
Yes, on all that! I used to subscribe to Western medicine like lemmings running off the cliff! So, so very damaging to animals, to inc. misdiagnoses and vet-caused deaths! My knowledge base evolved to include wholesome, natural approaches that strengthen the core of the animal and stave off health issues as a result! Many happier peeps who live longer lives uncomplicated by Big Pharma induced lifestyles, panic and paranoia!
Tula is a cutie. ❤
Acana is not good anymore
My Havanese just turned 16. Raw food diet with supplements and has walks every day of her life. She still gets excited about her daily walks.
"Happy 12th Birthday Tula sweetheart!!!"
🪄🐕🥳💖🎂🎈You are loved beyond!💫
Happy Birthday Tula!
You are the best doctor i have heard ever. I am old, had a lot of dogs and other animals, have been in many vet rooms……i think i really know what i am saying. Stay as you are.
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday Tula! 🎊
I thought hybrid vigor only extended to the first generation?
Happy birthday Tula!!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, Tula! You are a very sweet girl! I hope you had a wonderful day.❤❤❤❤
🎂🎉 Happy Birthday TULA❤❤❤
Happy Birthday, Tula!
Happy birthday Tula ❤Tula is same age as my dog Zoey
Happy birthday to Tula
I have a 14yo mutt with reoccurring mast cell cancer. She had surgery several years ago and I refused to let the vet operate again. I put her on fenbendazole, dosage per one of your videos. After a month, it wasn't helping and she was going downhill fast. I added Ivomec and within 2 days it was like a miracle. She completely turned around. She is as active as she was 2 years ago. I also started with Cetrizine 10mg/day for the histamines and she gets Vit E and chaga powder on her food. I am also using the poultice you recommended in a recent video on a lesion on her stomach. It seems to be getting smaller. She gets the fenben Mon-Wed and the Ivomec Thur-Sun. Thank you Doctor Jones for all the information you provide and thank you for being a vet that actually CARES about the animals. ❤❤❤
I’m surprised he’s feeder here kibble.
Happy birthday Tula! 😻
Great video! Our 50-lb Jack Russell Mix is going to turn 14 in six months. She still walks over two miles a day. Yes, she’s slowed down from her six miles a day ten years ago. But she’s pretty physically healthy. Since we adopted her 11 years ago, we’ve fed her grain free kibble, frozen raw meat, and vegetables. She is diabetic now, so I have to give her twice daily insulin, but mentally, she’s in great condition. I have backed off her vaccinations as I don’t like the stories I’m reading.
Happy Birthday, Tula!!! You are one lucky dog to have Dr. Jones as your daddy. My girl is 14 yrs. old. I've been cooking for her for 13 years, but she is getting near her end of life. She's my best four-legged friend ever. It will be sad when she leaves us, but my husband says she will be scouting ahead of us, like she does here on our former off leash walks. Thanks Doc for the wealth of information you give us. I wish vets were allowed to practice medicine as they wish. They only prescribe meds or surgery for everything.
Not sure how kibble is keeping her young. I’m glad she’s a relatively vibrant healthy dog, but kibble is at best junk food and at worst diseased dead feed grade animal bi-products. The synthetic vitamins are not optimal and the probiotics thrown in don’t survive the extrusion process.
I would look into Susan Thixton’s list of the best dog and cat foods because she gets all of the specifics with regard to quality, sourcing, etc so you know you have a high quality product to feed your animals. I would also look at Dr Karen Becker, Dr Judy Morgan, Dr Katie Woodley, etc for resources in regard to diet. They talk about the differences between fresh vs processed foods…raw, gently cooked, freeze dried, air dried, and kibble. There are so many proven benefits to feeding things other than kibble. You don’t have to make your dog’s food because there are so many brands that make and deliver high quality dog food now.
Happy Birthday gorgeous girly 🎉🎂❤🎈💫 x
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Tula!! Thank you Dr Jones!!!
Great video Dr. Jones! Thank you! I was wondering if you could do another video on cooking for your dog. I don’t give kibble or canned. We only cook. We got really relaxed on it too. If we are cooking chicken breast, that’s what our Maxwell gets too (non GMO, good for us then good for him!). We use your supplement powder always and the krill oil. Sometimes he gets veggies with his meals and sometimes we are short on time and he just gets the protein. Is that OK? It’s not often, but it happens. Thanks again for a great video!!!!!
This dr is THE BEST!! and is so kind and generous with his knowledge. Thank you doc.
Happy Birthday sweet Tula ❤🍨
Dirty test 31
Happy 12th birthday Tula!
love your supplements for my 3 senior doggos!!! HBD Tula