42 Commentaires

  1. This shit is low key true I had dreamed one time one I was in elementary that I got in a crash with my friend and I’m 14 now but I was like 10 when I dreamed of this and we got in a crash like a month ago and I realized that it’s true because I remembered everything that happened spot on from the dream and the crash but yea this video was hella interesting

  2. I don’t know if you will see this bro but that was you bro that was you in your past life u where the Mexican kid that save him you bro YOU SAVE HIS LIFE that why u always had that dream because it was you

  3. I believe this shit bc a couple of weeks ago, my bf broke up with me bc his mom didn't want us together. About a week later, I wake up from a dream where he said he "couldn't live without me" and we kissed. So I woke up crying bc this is the first dude I've ever thought about marrying (I'm afraid of getting into a marriage I can't get out of), so I wake up sobbing at 3 am. I check my phone to see what time it is and I see that he texted me. It says that he doesn't care what his mom says and "can't live without me" 😯🤯 and as a kid, I used to have these dreams where the next day, that shit will happen, another example is that in my freshman year of highschool, my best friend of about 5 years doesn't want to be my friend anymore, and the day before we started fighting, I had a dream that she hated me and I couldn't go to her house anymore 😯🤯

  4. Ok I have a buch of crazy dream stories and it's fucking crazy I remember it so well I was like 3 or 4 and I had this dream I'm in the forest it looks strange like 2D like the game don't starve it kinda looked like that and I could see my own body not even seeing with my eyes there were candles and these girls in black dresses with pale stick and remember I'm like 3 or 4 so I don't know anything about cults or witches or shit like that and these girls are hunting me down though the forest and I bury my self to try and hide but the girls found me because a bear was smelling were I was burned the girls dug me up and put me in a circle of candles then they put on these crazy as red hoods then the dream cut out I got up screaming it still scares me to this day you ww2 dream reminded me so much of that because there being young as fuck dreaming about things we shouldn't know about

  5. Crazy cus I have dreams that come true I even called Andre igudala hitting a half court to my friend before it happened because I recognized the plays leading up too it . Some really come true I’ve had a few

  6. Ive been holding off on listening and watching this story time for awhile. I'm glad I finally decided to watch it today. Explains some very unexplainable stuff for me. Thanks yola

  7. Hearing the story from Rosie’s grandpa really got to me. Just thinking of all the people in the past who’ve had to live through pain like that is tough. I’m glad he is at peace now <3

  8. That shit would be weird as a parent because how the fuck r u 3 never heard of Nazis or D-Day and still dreaming about it like how r u dreaming about it like if it's not in ur knowledge how does ur brain think of it to make a dream if u have never heard of it almost like thats how u could have died in a past life

  9. i had a dream that my friends (that have never met each other) got in a car accident and right before the accident they got pizza. so basically months later they meet and we all decided to hangout together and they were about to take me home after our park smoke sesh, they had the bright idea to get pizza after i left and i eventually talked them out of it but they have no idea about this dream and i hope they never do. they haven’t hung out since

  10. Man us people with premonitions are so often looked at as crazy until we predict some shit right infron of people it's good that you dont let it outcast you I personally have let it outcast me because I get obsessive over some of my premonitions and no one understands we need another one of these

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