32 Commentaires

  1. I work at a vets office and we have euthanized 5 in one day,and it never gets easier. We pray with the people and for their pets. I remember the first time I saw an animal after it had been euthanized. I almost walked out. I cry with the people sometimes to. It effects everybody in that clinic…

  2. When vets mention euthanasia to me I always tell them that I work in nursing homes and we do not euthanize people. As long as the pain is controlled, I want to let my animals choose their own time to go. I never had to euthanize any of the many animals in the last 30 years. I quit a job once to be with them in their last few days. It was traumatic only when vets became judgmental and abandon me.

  3. Doctor, I've been listening to you for quite a long time and have turned to your channel many times to help solve problems with our doggo Francis Steevie Bacon. I am beside myself and I am hopeful that you can give us some advice. We're in a bad situation. Steevie came to us while we lived in Colorado, it was only a few months after losing my best Friend and sidekick, 17 + year old Maxwell Einstein. I wasn't sure about taking on another fur kid, but, I was hooked as soon as I saw his face.

    Steevie is now 13+ years old, he is totally blind, has Cushings disease (which we've had great success by treating it with melatonin! He also has epilus tumors in his mouth, arthritis in his legs and hips, has lost a lot of his teeth and his little tongue hangs out a lot, sleeps more than awake, and pants even when it's not particularly hot.

    Here's our struggle. The village we live in are demanding that we license him and in order to license him they require him to be vaccinated. We refuse to do that to him. In his current health we feel that it could either harm him even more and or most likely kill him. This village has a one-size fits all to everything; there's no considerations for anything else, it's a very clicky town where the favoritism is rampant. I'm loaded with stress and anxiety over it. We can't seem to find a vet that isn't pro vaccination out here. The town is giving us 15 days, after that they will fine us $500 and $50 for everyday there-after, then they will take us to court and make us pay for it. These have no humanity. This whole "vaccination' thing has gotten way out of hand in my opinion.

    We know that some day our Steevie will be leaving us; but, we manage his health holistically and he is still enjoying the life he has. Do you have any recommendations on what we can do?

    Thank you ever so kindly for all that you do for people and their pets.

  4. I work a ranch in Southern Utah. My lead dog an australlian shepherd now 14 years old I've had to bring in to be my companion due to her health. She has been my lead gog and has trained so many siblings. When the horses are being saddled in the morning she is yelping and wanting to go but she can't keep up even though she tries. I cry for this dog and hold her as the the workers head out with their pact. This is the most amazing dog I have ever known. Trying to give her comfort and she just wants to work. This is the dog that no dog could ever replace.
    I need to thank you for the help you have provided me in caring for my dogs. You alone have saved me thousands of dollars in vet bills and have tought me so much in caring for my beloved pack.

  5. Thank you for tackling this difficult topic. It’s been on my mind a lot in the last year or two. One of my dogs is a year and a half past his average lifespan, and although he’s doing pretty well, I can tell over time he’s going downhill. One of my other dogs, a small dog, just had cancer surgery in February, she’s rallying, and i feel so blessed that we have the means to deal with the expenses of her surgery, I can’t imagine the agony of not being able to do anything to help her. Ultimately, we should do the best we can, with whatever means we have to make them comfortable and not let them suffer, and know that the death of them and all of us is part of life, hard as it may be. Peace and Blessings to all who are dealing with the emotions of losing a family member, human or fur-baby.

  6. How often did you see dogs just simply dye peacefully of old age? I have three seniors, ages 13 & 14. I’m praying when the time comes I will not be forced to make the decision to euthanize any of them. Over the years we’ve had dozens of dogs and only one passed peacefully in her sleep.

  7. Not sure how any vet can live with themselves if they actually kill "euthanize" a dog or cat because of owner not having enough money?????? NO ANIMAL SHOULD LOSE HIS/HER LIFE BECAUSE A VET DIDNT HAVE THE DECENCY TO WORK WITH AN OWNER BECAUSE OF LACK OF FUNDS. ITS SICK AND OUTRAGEOUS. THESE ARE PRECIOUS LIVES THAT SHOULD ALWAYS BE GIVEN A CHANCE!!!!!

  8. This vid was so interesting to hear from the Veterinarian perspective, my niece is a practicing vet and she never talks about that part of her job, she does take it hard, you can see it in her face when she's had a difficult day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings from the vet side

  9. This was the single reason I didn't become a veterinarian. I love animals and cannot handle it when they die. Thank you for sharing how important it is for vets to talk about this with their loved ones, colleagues or a therapist.

  10. I've had dogs and cats since before I could walk. Someone was always dumping babies near our house. Ohhhh how I loved each and every one of them. Recently I lost my pitsky named Amazing Grace from cancer, she was only 7 years old. From the pet parent point of view and losing my husband also to cancer, I didn't want to go through the devastating pain of grief. For myself personally, that meant having to find another pet that would step into my heart. I found Baby, an 8 month old papillon and I fell in love with her. Brought her home and Amazing Grace took right to her. Over the next 3 weeks, they become friends with Grace learned how to play with such a tiny girl. Grace was happy with Baby in the house and I loved sleeping with them both, they were both so comforting. When Grace finally got to be in so much pain, I took her to her doctor and she said it was time. I was given as long as I needed to say goodbye. Grace never liked to see me cry, I talked to her and told her how much she meant to me and how much I love her. When the doctor said that she was gone, we both broke down and hugged and cried for quite a while. Not a day that I don't miss her, but I thank Jesus for having Baby. She quite the character and so full of love. She will probably be the last furbaby I have in my life because I turn 70 this summer and I've made arrangements for Baby to be taken care of by a relative I know I can trust. God bless you Doc. I've learned so very much from you and it's all invaluable. God bless all the furbabies and those who love them 👑🙏🏻💞✝️🐾🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯

  11. I was a vet tech for many years, you grow a thick skin but I couldn't help but cry whenever I had to help….then I got to where I couldn't do it anymore so I became the office manager and took to a desk instead of teching. Eventually got out of the field completely…now it isn't even the same world within a vet clinic as it was in the 80's.

  12. Your background is Conventional Moderny Veterinary and you converted into Holistics which we all appreciate. The two including TCM shall work all together in order to lengthen the lives of animals. However, not all dog owners are the same so are not all vets and dog owners. Some people see cancer as a defect and they get their dogs euthanized so easily. I would not be able to. I would convert into each possible therapy possible to make them survive. I have been seeing lately pet owners who even publish the last days of their dogs such as what they did that day, eating their last icecream , hamburger, last car ride. There is sth really wrong. Petownership and petrescue became too much of self publicity.Knowing that my dog will be getting euthanized and me recording it??? That's beeing very coldbloodded. I think I would be paralyzed the day before knowing that my dog will get euhanized. Such a calculated act. Therefore, I do not know but this euthanasia term is very dangerous and shall not be applied by each vet or by the request of the owner. No one has the right to determine the end of an animal which is not capable of speaking. Euthanasia shall be applied after a board meeting of 4-5 different vets ( including holistics, homeopathy and TCM) to give final decision. If the owner is not capable of getting the dog treated, at least they shall be surrendered to a rescue ..I have/had dogs which has been told to get euthanized . They even assumed they would never walk maybe after 6 months. Voila. In front of me, I have one of my old boy getting out of his bed and walking even rushing to pee…. SUMMARY: Pet ownership shall not be so easy. Pet euthanasia shall not be decided by only 1 vet and by the owner's consent.

  13. Almost 50 years ago I worked for a local veterinarian. The way we handled euthanizing pets was to wait until the end of the day to do so. That way we could grieve after hours. There were times when all of us were crying over a beloved client having to be euthanized. And it was still the best thing for the animal.

  14. Thank you for this insight. I confess, it's not something I thought about. I lost two dogs a few years ago – litter brothers who were both severely epileptic. One died 18 months after the other and I still miss them both – they were beautiful dogs. One died when I was on holiday and his 'temporary mom' took him to the vet because he wasn't well and he died there later the same day. The other died at home whilst I was out shopping – he seemed fine when I went out and I was only gone about an hour. In the midst of my own grief, it never occurred to me how my vet might have felt – especially with the first dog dying in his care. In future, it's something I will try to be more sensitive to.

  15. A timely vlog from you – thank you. When you have an older dog with health issues – they are not the same as they were 2 years ago. For me its time to adjust that he is slower, has off days and monitor whats happening for him. I have had pets put to sleep and some die at home and I believe the best way unless there is extreme pain, is to let your pet live its best life till it leaves. There are still days when they get so much pleasure doing what they have always done but slower and quiet. I have seen beautiful pet owners get overwhelmed with palliative care, I do not judge but also if you have the means to emotionally ride out the natural process – do it. I can only imagine how hard this would have been for you. Now you get to share so much much of your knowledge with us – thank you x

  16. Hello doc, hope you are doing well
    I’d like to ask for your opinion about my cat ( she just turned 4 ) she has been peeing in small quantities all over the house ( at first I thought because she didn’t like the new litter so I found a similar on the the old , but it’s still persistent)
    I was planning on taking her to the vet this morning, but she’s been throwing up the food she’s eaten ( still not digested )
    What could be the reason ? ( I’m taking her to the vet but they aren’t than many where I live and I feel they have limited knowledge)

    – thank you –

  17. I lost a puppy unexpectedly…it was so traumatic. 😢 the vet told me that was the only option due the constant grand mal seizures and the violent and dangerous way he would come out of them. It was sudden and unexpected, we grieved for months.

  18. With animals, it's all about quality of life, not quantity. We must do what is in the best interest of our pets, and not prolong their life because we can't deal with losing them.

  19. Thank you for this timely video! I own a 9 1/2 yr -old racing Greyhound with bone cancer. Have to put him down. Opted not to amputate or do chemo. Have treated him as if he were one of my hospice patients for over a year now. Have used alternative and traditional medicine, but I can no longer manage his pain. I am blessed to have a veterinarian who is supportive of me and my dog.

  20. Oh Dr. Andy, I really appreciate you talking about this awfully difficult subject.
    Please let me encourage you with this truth…& we know that the truth always sets us free:
    Animals do have souls & they do go to heaven. God loves them even more than we do. His amazing Word is full of info about animals from the great book of Genesis all the way through to Revelation.
    It says that humans do not have any advantage over animals in this regard.
    Also, there is this…I saw my dog Hannah with the Lord. Jesus was standing about 6 feet in front of me. Hannah came up from behind me & went straight to Him! Wstching their affectionate greeting, I could tell they have known each other all along. Hannah trotted past the Lorx & disappeared into the background. Thats when the entire rest of my pack came trotting up from behind me & followed suit.
    I stood gaping. It was broad daylight. I was wide awake when I saw this.
    The next day, the Lord asked me..

    "Why didn't you gome too?"
    My whole life changed in that moment. I have lost 3 of my senior dog family since then. Hannah is a 14 year old lab who is recovering from a stroke last winter, kidney failure, liver failure & now degenerative myleopathy.
    I love her with all my heart. I wouldnt have been able to cope with loosing her before. Now I am blessed with peace & joy for her.
    When she goes home to heaven, I know she'll be well & happy & I will be reunited with her one excellent day!
    All my love.

  21. When I had to put my 14 year Buddy to sleep. I cried the whole time. My vet cried also. Buddy had spleen cancer. I was by myself going to the vet. There are times I wish I didn't do it

  22. My dog died March 2021, and I'm still trying to get over it. My husband and I thought it was like going to his execution. My cat died Oct 2022, she was 15 yrs old, we were giving her hospice at home. I didn't want euthanasia. I wanted her painfree. I worked closely with the Vet, and she helped. My cat stopped eating and drinking on a tuesday, and we had the meds ready. She fought so hard to stay with us, she was so strong. 2 days into it, her mind wasn't there anymore. By friday late afternoon, she gasped 3 times and she passed away. That was way different than my dog's death. I witnessed my cat leave this earth, painfree, and on her own time. If I could have done that with my dog, I would have chosen it. I understand some pets don't have the option.

  23. I just lost my little boy poodle after 16 yrs and 2 months ,he was part of our family since 2007 ,he was diagnosed with heart issues early on ,we had his brother for 14 yrs he also had heart issues thru genetics but I followed the vets advice with a new heart medicine with the 14 yr old which I believed shortened his life ,my groomer asked me how do I keep my dogs living longer bc I also have a 15 yr old boston terrier and 2 14 yr old mixed Yorkies but I told my groomer the secret of keeping them alive longer is I don't take them to the vet anymore unless it's a extreme emergency that I can't handle

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