42 Commentaires

  1. He made Alien, Blade Runner and Gladiator. The rest is good to average to mediocre. William Friedkin and Stanley Kubrick were geniuses, not Ridley Scott. He´s creative with a great sense of visual style, but that´s it. And, no Ridley. Deckard was never a replicant. Wasn´t in the novel, wasn´t in the screenplay, wasn´t played as one by Harrison Ford also because it doesn´t make a godamn sense, I don´t give a fu#k what you think. Your tendency to exaggeration and to make things up led you to make bad ludicrous movies.

  2. The Lat Duel was pulled from theaters after a week because it flopped, but it is honestly some of Scott's best work of the past 20-25 years. Way better than that "House of Gucci" movie he directed that came out the same year and hogged all the promotion.

  3. That shot at 4:13 – I never realised that was some serious foreshadowing there. Ripley (the only survivor) & Ash (the traitor) are separated on the left of the frame while the rest of the crew who all die are on the right. Harry Dean Stanton is obscured.

  4. This is why I love Ridley Scott so much. I have seen all these movies, but only own about half on disc. I need to buy the other half, in a way where I'm not dependant on a corporation or internet to view them, then really enjoy them all in order, again. Thank goodness we have this man!

  5. Everytime I see these I have to go and watch every damn movie they ever made lol. I just got done with my David Fincher Tour, onto Ridley Scott which will forever be my favorite. RIP mom, we got Xenomorphs to watch.

    That was our favorite series together. I remember watching Alien for the first time and being in awe and terrified. Nothing quite compares. I think it’s safe to say Ridley Scott is a catalog I have gone through naturally many times. Hail Ridley Scott!

  6. Все фильмы твои,
    Скотт , нужно переделать! Твои сюжеты не должны быть ужасными! Ты, давай Скотт, думай побыстрее!

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