42 Commentaires

  1. Since I was a kid I watched older people and farmers give small amounts of garlic to sick dogs and I’ve watched them live long and healthy lives because of this! So as an adult when I heard people including vets tell me that any amount of garlic was like chocolate and would kill your pet I knew it was not true! I witness this since a kid how garlic helped sick animals and older people giving us to their pets such as neighbors and as I said Farmers. So I never believe this I knew better small amounts. Garlic 🧄 Gods medicine

  2. Since I was a kid I watched older people give sick dogs a little bit of garlic and I watch them heal so I never believed when anyone including the vet told me that garlic was bad for dogs maybe a whole bunch of garlic but as I said I’ve watched farmers and older people give small amounts of garlic and help their dogs live a long and healthy life

  3. I love you thank you for this I always feed my dogs table scrapes when I read garlic and onion was toxic I felt horrible my dogs get so excited when I make a roast they never have gotten sick from mamas home cooking then I stopped sharing and they would look so heart broken that mama did feed them now we can eat a big family meal again

  4. Mosquito and bug problems? Eat garlic for survival. Lived in Florida and was covered with bug bites there. I started eating olives stuffed with garlic and the bug bites went away. I stopped the garlic the bites came back. Was told that you can’t catch fish with the garlic odor.

  5. I had two greyhounds and a staffy I would give them our leftovers and at times there would be a small amount of garlic in it and the greyhounds lived until they were 12 and 13 yrs old but my staffy is still alive she is now 16 yrs old. A lady from work told me she put to much garlic in her dinner one night she couldn't eat it so she give it to her dogs and all weekend they were vomiting by the time Monday came they had stopped vomiting.

  6. Thank you for sharing the unethical study trying to discredit garlic. Drug studies that take a natural substance or an isolated component of it and then megadose it 100s or 1000s times normal show imbalances and side effects. (Gee, I didn't see that coming.) Those researchers can brag that they have another "published paper" but at what cost? The 4 beagles that were injured in the study should thin the researchers blood to the same degree and see if they end up anemic too. Thank you Dr. Jones for clearing garlic's good name. Snoopy would approve of you questioning shoddy, worthless research!

  7. what about a small 5lb dog that ate some sauce off a plate that had lasagna on it? The sauce appears to of had some onion and garlic in it and a day or 2 after the dog licked the plate a bit the dog is extremely lethargic and puking with diarrhea. What should be done in this case? Is this a coincidence most likely? Or something very serious?

  8. Wow am I glad I was referred here. I’ve been anal about my dog not having any garlic because of Google and other sources.

    I honestly feel so sorry for the dogs in the study. I’m relieved I’ve never harmed my dog like I thought by accidentally giving garlic.

    Thanks for the video.

  9. Dr. Jones THANK YOU! I hadn't listened to this before because I've always given garlic to my dogs, and I knew it would make me cry. Those poor Beagles, I can't believe the way some people are so cruel and abusive to animals. My heart just breaks.🥺

  10. What I was always told that fresh garlic and onion in large quantities Is really bad for dogs, can make them anemic, but garlic POWDER isn't bad for them. But garlic extract isn't going to be the same as fresh garlic. It's even more concentrated. And that study just sounds like unnecessary torture.

  11. I don’t know if you have a list available but, would be really nice if you could post a list of foods human foods that are OK for dogs to consume and what amounts are safe and how often !! And may be a list of say, what they should not eat!

  12. The only dogs that it should NOT be given to and can be an issue is Japanese dogs like Akita, Shiba Inu's, etc.. Garlic in small amounts can repel fleas/ticks and has so many benefits – fresh crushed bulbs have so much medicinal properties and when crushed/pressed "alive". The experiment is basically an entire bulb+ would have to be eaten to really do damage to a dog.

  13. Years ago I would purchase a garlic oil from a holistic vet to help prevent fleas. My yellow lab loved it, he was extremely healthy. I gave him 1 tablespoon of garlic oil onto his food. It was VERY strong smelling he loved it.

    He NEVER any negative effects ever happened after years of doing this. Max lived to the ripe old age of 14.

    Google has A LOT of propaganda out here to keep ppl in fear and in the dark… dependent on the system. Just like the fear tactics that collodial silver will turn everyone blue or raw milk is dangerous and egg yolks cause high cholesterol.

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