Getting Old, Game Show Legends, & Cypress Hill in NYC – The Dr. Greenthumb Podcast #418

The Dr. Greenthumb Podcast 418 0:00 – stream start 10:30 – podcast start 13:30 – eitan got jokes 15:30 – kobra Kai and karate kid …

Check on YouTube

29 Commentaires

  1. BReal was on the money about Bob Barker being in the Navy, he was enlisted during WW2 and was actually training to be a fighter pilot. I believe the War ended before he was shipped out but he was in the Navy.

  2. Flex kind of a fool on the wheels lol I feel the concerns. It was the slowed down P-Diddy drop and trying to have a TV show for me… I palmed my face in the single-digit 2000’s regarding Flex actual willingness to DJ.

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