49 Commentaires

  1. Just picked up a phat panda 2 gram jar of Ghost Og. Strain of the year for me. I've bought about a dozen jars of this, and its my favorite. Its delicious, and straight fire. Tastes like skunk and sweet limes. Sticky, big boulder nugs.

  2. I like the information you give behind each Strain. Place of Origin, Phenotypes, accurate description of Smell and Taste. And the Medicinal Effect it gives.
    That's why I enjoy your reviews Josh. Education 🙂

  3. hey, I love your videos and this one is no exception. the ghost OG review is pretty dang spot-on, I feel like that the way I would review it if I was as hilarious and animated As You Are. I just wanted to note for viewers, that I love ghost OG in medium to low doses for anxiety treatment. It does kinda get those anxious thoughts rolling a tiny bit, but in a way that lets you work with them and breathes and lessen them and eliminate them and enjoy a high that is truly wonderful.

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