37 Commentaires

  1. I hope to get a clone of the Strawberry Cough one day…and I'd definitely cross with her…but either way I really can't wait to try her…sounds like an amazing cultivar….

  2. Insect netting for my outdoor is a lintresting idea but I i bet its expensive.
    Washing the buds gets anything left off, but i don't think you get the sugary buds that went into the shower when it's all said and done

  3. I feel like I've been kickin' back with Dudes that know what a "four finger lid" is. Before Sativa. Columbian dirt weed a lid came with enough lumber to built a hut and enough seeds for a small plantation. (born 1960) I'm board with growing Big colas and G.S.C.Xtreme autos, now going for maximum bud sites. I started growing as soon as it was legal (CA) compleatly ignorant and am still ignorant but to a lesser degree, it's all starting to make sence now. After many hours watching & rewatching Dr Bruce Bugbee's video's. Not heard of allowing male plants to mature then select before but I haven't even thought about breeding yet. Nice work…Thank you for posting.

  4. This is spit balling here about large mothers what if you had a trust location just for mothers and possibly trade clones for actual buds when you’re mother grower needs buds when they buds it’s a rough idea 💡

  5. I grew strawberry kush this last run outside n inside under a 780 watt matz hydro with uvb lights …and it smells ok and taste is jus ok and it has weak potency to me…whats going on strawberry cough was a let down and i ordered ilgm…im disappointed i dunno what to do…i also have lemon skunk i grew too…n to me it smells like blueberry muffins im so confused…

  6. I just harvested my first 2 plants yesterday and im pleased with the results one was a white widow auto and the other an afghan auto and i built a flower room last week and flipped my photos. Each of the autos had a large number of fist sized colas now i just have the last part of drying and curing to make it through to enjoy the last 3 months of work so far lol.

  7. Plenty videos of putting cuts in coco cups. Why wouldn’t someone be able to clone in coco? If I can clone in aero ponics or water cups or rock wool or peat why couldn’t we put cuts in coco genius ?

  8. Pretty cringy video man. I would love to see your .1 ppb test results, I know they don’t exist because there are different metals that are tested for that have different limits depending on regulatory bodies. But ya keep taking your bullshit. Not even knowing how BT works or difference between BTi and BTk. Gimme a break quit listening to chuckleheads like this people. What happened to veganics? The almost organic wonder line vegamatrix made from cottonseed meal. What a joke

  9. i'm leaving all inside growing …i went today to deserted peace of land where i took out my 4 chosen phenos this summer …and irealized i see my plants for the first time (huge fat no foxtails round glue sticky buds even fan leafs in resin in about 70 daysfinished) and that i'm a bad inside grower …i have first class buds on Balcony but colas cant compare to outsider in full sun and ground ……my balcony ptwo phenos went haze way reflowered and grew white hair even untill 105 days when i decided to end it …double structure with long foxtails but not fat buds like outsiders ……they're fully developed from bottom to top growing in full sun all days long ……caterpilars showed up on them when ladys started flowering first white hair at about avgust15 summer and fall was 30 C 2 months DRY ….thats last time i watered it and havent been outside there untill today, i thouth some worms will eat it up and dry hot weather will not let itdevelop in SANDY 99% soil ….but ….maybe best quality buds i ever had ….fat juicy glue ….caterpillars eat up maybe 10 ……15%od buds but most is untacked like insider in best conditions …i hade best Smelling weed last year, this year i have best quality sized buds ….so ….for the future its outsiders only ….i made few dosen thousand seeds of all different kind of varieties that showed up so far back …and i'm done with babysiting over them like prisoner ……………i moving to south America they will never legalize it and decriminalize it here ……..retarted Balcans

  10. A question regarding sunset/sunrise mode during flowering. Firstly, don't you lose a lot of DLI when working on a 12/12 schedule? Also Dr. Bruce Bugbee said in one of his videos that they found in the lab, that in the morning (after a dark cycle) photosynthesis is the most efficient so you want to blast them full power right when they wake up. Your thoughts on this?

  11. I like how you dance around those scientific questions. I wish people would learn that the scientists are the scientists and old school growers are set in there ways lol . Doesn't matter as long as you're getting smoke. And learning something each time.

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