26 Commentaires

  1. Your obviously 🙄 the stereotypical stupid pot head that's just happy to to smoke your joints at 4:20 everyday,but if you didn't realize,this is real medicine you fool..now I'm glad your blessed enough to afford to pay 💰 $500 a ounce for recreational cannabis and flaunt it on tv 📺 like "Hey Dude its party 🎉 time"but me,and a lot of other ppl who really need this medicine are regular people living check to check.the fact that prop64 takes away the right for u to grow your own sufficient amount of medicine then forces you to pay double for their corporate cannabis shouldn't be reason to celebrate 🎉.and your right about continuing the fight,but it sucks that the the fight has to be longer and more expensive just because you and your ignorant stoner followers didn't take the time to read the stupid proposition you voted for ✍🏻.i have nothing against anyone in this world who wants to smoke for breakfast 🍳 lunch or dinner,just remember the ppl who really need this special medicine just to be comfortable on a day to day basis.and since your so interested what goes up my ass,it's called cancer(not a stick)but when I saw that clip of you in your" hey dude mode",it felt like you were attempting to shove a stick up my Ass and before u think your gonna attempt to put anything up my ass I'll take that stick and beat some compassion sensitivity and facts into yourself

  2. Stupid idiots are happy that u can now posses 1oz legally……under prop 215 u could move around with 8oz's and grow up to 99plants.now u can only grow 6😔fucking retards are celebrating the fact that ur going backwards smh.u guys don't know what you have done.sad thing is that all the eastern states were looking at Cali to follow there model and cali's model went from free to shit.fuck all u who voted for the corps to take over our industry🖕

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