25 Commentaires

  1. we still need to legalize it though !

    I know 77% of the Liberal PArty of Canada want to legalize it, but we're getting cockblocked by pressure from the US federal government
    this is sad that we have to be their little bitch on whether we legalize it or not

  2. As a canadian, I feel really bad for you because here the cops ask you to either : drop it in the sewers, or give them so they smoke it themselves at home T_T (of course they don't tell you they're gonna smoke it but we're not dumb :P)

  3. I was arrested for having less than a gram of weed, i had my Doctors REC. but the cop said "i dont give a fuck" stayed over night went to court and i had a choice, try my case and risk 6 months in jail if i were to loose,( keep in mind i dont have a lot of money to afford a good lawyer) or take the sentencing they gave me
    I took the ladder of course, and now i have to complete 25 NA meeting
    I am not addicted to Narcotics im not addicted to WEED i love weed and i should not be penalized for it!

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