44 Commentaires

  1. hahaha, quote from "Don't be a menace to society while drinking your juice in the hood"

    I'd pass that shit if i'd survive, otherwise you'd have to tare it from my cold dead hands…

  2. Stalker!!1! 😉 I checked your channel too…but mainly just to make sure you weren't some kinda paid comment troll or anything lol. Glad you were never offended. This toke's for you bud! 🙂

  3. Droll – curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement (Oxford dic), the amusement may not be intended therefore an insult and has always been a backhander in polite society. As for the ending, I have just been flashing the hook, so to speak and was never offended. I even had a look at some of your videos and was almost impressed ;P

  4. Hmm…the word droll…I always thought of droll as 'sarcastic, yet witty.' Kind of like an adjective used to describe something/someone that is oddly amusing/entertaining. Rather than assume you meant it as an insult, I would just like to thank you for the compliment 🙂 On a more serious note, perhaps this is getting old now? Maybe we can just agree we had some serious misunderstandings and go our separate ways? I still love you bro. Sorry if I offended you, no bullshit/sarcasms etc

  5. Wow…so all of this was just to find that out and to rub my nose in it? Glad I could help you find some justification for your strange desire to tell strangers that you are better than they are…enjoy your very strange hobby 😉

  6. Lazy? Look how many times/words you have spent answering, lazy, maybe but effective, definitely. Desperate, yes, you are one of those people that love the sound of their own voice, it resonates with every word you write, a bombastic blowhard. Enjoy your day 😉

  7. Desperate to be important? This from the guy that argues with strangers over how they converse with one another, even when no one is asking for his opinion…oh the irony is getting thick here…looks like trolls are getting lazier.

  8. I wasn't attacking the number of words (how ever important to you) just the lack of meaning, Can't you follow logic ? You really are desperate to be important aren't you, I feel sooo sorry for you.

  9. What meaning do you seek? If you're looking for the meaning of your life, you won't find it trolling youtube for comment fights. If you're looking for an explanation of my smugness, its clearly been stated several times. What more meaning do you need my son? Here's a secret for you, the only reason you're attacking the number of words I use is because you can't find a victorious stance to take in the argument using logic…so while I agree I am wordy, I ask you again, how are you? trolololololol

  10. LOL, Steve, you badly need a new hobby. Its ok, I still love you anyways. But just so we are clear, I WAS being smug, but it was only to illustrate/reciprocate Cheech's smugness…so we were employing the same turnabout technique but the difference is I was doing it in self-defense and you're just butting-in and doing it for no reason. I was thinking you would go back and re-read the conversations to find that out for yourself, but you're too busy text fighting, hilarious and sad simultaneously.

  11. indeed, its a scary time for both sides in cannabis prohibition and sadly, like you said, its hard to tell which side is conducting what. I'm excited for Colorado to become 'Amsterdam 2.0' once they get the legislation laid out…hopefully they don't get bent over by uncle sam.

  12. I like how you troll…as soon as the verbiage becomes too difficult for you to understand, you accuse the target of being too wordy…its almost like you're a little kid…

    I'll try to make it clear for ya, I was only being smug in response to a smug comment…hence the reason Cheech isn't defending himself…he thought we disagreed, he was mistaken, he accepted that fact and moved on, yet you're still busy defending him, picking fights on youtube with strangers…guess what that makes you? 🙂

  13. Sadly, Steve, I think you're misinterpreting my tone with Cheech and what is even more sad is that you're allowing your misinterpretation to encourage you to act in ways you normally wouldn't…since tones are interpreted via text, perhaps its your responsibility as an outside party to ensure you're not jumping in where its not necessary…because at this point…me and Cheech know we were on the same page, and meanwhile you're still being "that guy" in the comment section of a hightimes video.

  14. LOL, oh sure, now you see that we actually agree on this video after pickin a fight with me a couple days ago…Meanwhile I gotta defend all these slow kids that keep thinking me and you were in disagreement about whether or not this video was a decent satire of the war on drugs….sigh 🙂

  15. What I have to explain everything to you? I wasn't having a go at what you said about the video, just your tone of reply to Cheech. Do you like my tone ? I tried to imitate you as much as possible 😛

  16. LOL…touchy because I thought this video was way better than videos that perpetuate negative stereotypes? I'm so confused by your assessment…I have to assume you also decided to avoid using the "show comment" buttons much like Cheech…its ok I know you're just trying to look cool, but I probably feel the exact same way you do about this video 🙂

    PS Why would I be concerned about your interest…you can't even track a conversation on youtube lol.

  17. lol…thanks for repeating the point I made a couple comments back. Next time you have a great idea for a comment, it might be helpful to click that little button that says "show comment" to track the full conversation of comments prior to posting. It will help you avoid the reputation of being redundant and obtuse, and it will also help you avoid ridicule. Also, ending sentences with an ellipsis usually makes you look smug, so you better know your stuff if you plan to employ the punctuation…

  18. Misinformation is one of the biggest problems with cannabis prohibition today. Until we can educate the masses on the truths, any satires that perpetuate negative stereotypes only hurt our cause. Truth can't be spread until the old lies have been uprooted and removed…as of right now, perception is too important to simply lean back with a smug enjoyment of being "smarter"…I always make it a point to never assume I'm smarter than anyone, it makes it easier to listen to them speak/type 🙂

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