ty for watching i love you Social Media insta: stfumatthew snapchat: stfu-matthew twitter: stfumatthew Bentley Blaze stfumatthew fat … Check on YouTube
I don't really like smoking weed alone buuut I love smoking dabs alone cuz it's not that I can't really handle them I just get more weed and don't wanna say or do something stupid… Again 😂
Willie Nelson actually did quit, back at the end of 2019. He said "[I] started smoking cedar bark, went from that to cigarettes to whatever. And that almost killed me." Breathing issues in his old age, caused by the abuse to his lungs, forced him to cancel part of a tour. He says he has to be more careful so I assume he'll still have edibles.
I know I’m super late to this video but for your face tats I would say less is more type deal like what u have now is PERFECT it’s not to big and “gawky” and it’s sleek and “cute” type right now. But yea 🤙🏼
I switched from weed to live resin pods Dont know how but i did More convenient Hides the smell from my mom And gets me the right amt of high in 1 blinker
dude i'm literally having the worst days lately i was feeling like crap but laying in my bed with a blunt to watch this video made this day a little bit better than the others so thank u for all this shit is amazing how chillfull it can be, cheers from uruguay🇺🇾
Lady that hit him: “it’s okay I don’t care” Matt: “okay cool I don’t care either” 💀🤚🏾
your lease ended on my 17th bday 😂
Bro time to come out of the closest
Your boyfriend kinda looks like your celebrity crush, but better looking haha
Still love the content
😢 u didn't show the smoke come out ur closet
I don't really like smoking weed alone buuut I love smoking dabs alone cuz it's not that I can't really handle them I just get more weed and don't wanna say or do something stupid… Again 😂
i’m literally hotboxing my closet as i watch this 😂
Willie Nelson actually did quit, back at the end of 2019. He said "[I] started smoking cedar bark, went from that to cigarettes to whatever. And that almost killed me." Breathing issues in his old age, caused by the abuse to his lungs, forced him to cancel part of a tour. He says he has to be more careful so I assume he'll still have edibles.
What was your best relationship
Ur voice is so calming
Consider starting a pod cast!<3
all of his clothes are gonna reek of weed 💀
Your voice 😍
World's way to perfect for there not to be a god 💯. But its hella mysterious
I know I’m super late to this video but for your face tats I would say less is more type deal like what u have now is PERFECT it’s not to big and “gawky” and it’s sleek and “cute” type right now. But yea 🤙🏼
What s his only fans
7:46 I'm not finna lie it makes me think how atheist r kinda slow😭 like he's right we are obviously made from something which idk what it is either
Gosh you are so cute right here 🤐
Get a buzz cut
i do that like every day with the car keys lmaoooo
Your rolling skills are remarkable
i don’t have a closet :c
Ayyyye I’m from Kentucky to. I was wondering where that accent was from lol
Nice watchin you puffin on the phat long blunt
Also the day I'm watching this is the day your lease is up
Love the content bro and I don't got a closet but I smoke with you daily actually I smoked under a blanket and that shit is smoke af
your lease expired 3 days ago!
8:22 “So 👁👄👁 yea”
I switched from weed to live resin pods
Dont know how but i did
More convenient
Hides the smell from my mom
And gets me the right amt of high in 1 blinker
wtf im literally watching this on 2-22-22 lmfaoo
so im watching this video the day his lease ends lmfao wut a coincedence
I'm watching on 2/22/22 on Tuesday and you said the same date as today for your lease being up today
I came back from hell just to say your lease is up.
Me just realizing his lease ends tomorrow 🤕
dude i'm literally having the worst days lately i was feeling like crap but laying in my bed with a blunt to watch this video made this day a little bit better than the others so thank u for all this shit is amazing how chillfull it can be, cheers from uruguay🇺🇾
Damn I most be a fiend…cautions smoke that shit to my finger
my birthday is feb 22 lmao
my birthday is feb 22 on my gosh?
is matthew gay?
Mate yo good at talking with camera i can feel you
I’m actually smoking with you for once 😄