Everything is bigger in Texas, but this is also true for Chihuahua, its neighboring state on the other side of the border. This is why … Check on YouTube
This is a wonderful story to tell. Please do more stories focused on Greece — the country doesn't get in-depth pieces like this too often and they are always so interesting and enjoyable
However Oil trees are facing a new Bacteria that's demicating southern Italian Olive trees and it's spreading since 2013!! A tough future ahead in European production.
1. Storage keeps coming up as a key issue. Surely the govt can provide funding to assist? 2. Branding – perhaps we need professionals to create an established brand name (it should be easy for a high quality product) 3. Education and improved efficient processes 4. Creation of large Greek industrial companies to acquire overseas assets (govt finance welcome)
It's time we start reform of our industries – we have had the wake up call now, now time to turn a new chapter!
Anoskeli EVOO is sold in World Market! I got a tour of their production when I visited Crete. It was a great experience and glad I can find it in the US 🤍
Just FYI half or more of the olive oil that says ''made in Italy or Greece'' is just olive oil they bought from Spain,just sayin'. If you guys want to really do a good video come to Spain,boggles my mind how you decided to go to Greece…morons.
Levantine Olive Oil tastes so much better than even the best greek/italian oil I've tried, don't believe me, go to your nearest middle eastern grocer and try it, no offence to greeks italians , just my opinion
This is a wonderful story to tell. Please do more stories focused on Greece — the country doesn't get in-depth pieces like this too often and they are always so interesting and enjoyable
Greek olive oil and Greek olives goes every year in Italy and they are sold as Italian..
Very good reporting.. clear and concise.
those damn italians
Greek olive oil yum
Greek olive oil, The Rolls Royce of oils!!
Love USA
However Oil trees are facing a new Bacteria that's demicating southern Italian Olive trees and it's spreading since 2013!! A tough future ahead in European production.
Just this once, the Six Million Dollar Man bionic sound would be good here
They should hire Olive Oyl from Popeye's
Italians take greek oil and they sell it for italian.
Greek olive oil is the best! So much better flavour than Italian or Spanish
1. Storage keeps coming up as a key issue. Surely the govt can provide funding to assist?
2. Branding – perhaps we need professionals to create an established brand name (it should be easy for a high quality product)
3. Education and improved efficient processes
4. Creation of large Greek industrial companies to acquire overseas assets (govt finance welcome)
It's time we start reform of our industries – we have had the wake up call now, now time to turn a new chapter!
I prefer spanish one
I just lost my job because of the pandemic, so I started a YouTube cooking channel. Wish me luck!!!
What is the reporters name?
Anoskeli EVOO is sold in World Market! I got a tour of their production when I visited Crete. It was a great experience and glad I can find it in the US 🤍
Even Greek Olive oil producers believe in Clinate change. 🙂
Just FYI half or more of the olive oil that says ''made in Italy or Greece'' is just olive oil they bought from Spain,just sayin'.
If you guys want to really do a good video come to Spain,boggles my mind how you decided to go to Greece…morons.
Their problem is they can't speak English.
expensive… using coconut oil instead also good protection against covid.
For the past couple years Italy has relied a LOT on Greek olive oil, sadly disease has devastated olive trees in Italy 🙁
👉 https://viral481.com/srv.html?id=5498426&pub=1308731
This is such an important story to tell. Great reporting, interviews, editing and camera work. Congrats Munchies.
It's literally like Greek and Latin to me
I swear I would move to Greece from this crappy home office thing and help them out! It would help me too and I wouldn't be closed in my room
Best olive oil in the world is in Tunisia.
how? take back Constantinople, demolish Turkey.
GO GO +++++++
COOL ++++++++++++
Greek women always been this fye? might need to wife one
Hi, how are you?
The temperature in Seoul this morning was -12'C. Winter and cold have begun in earnest.
I hope you will be healthier this week. ^O^
Love the vid except for the obnoxious alarm clock noise in the first minute.
Title: How can Greece Save its Olive Oil Industry?
Brain: How can grease save its olive oil industry?
I don't know how to read.
By not having corrupt politicians
GREASE AND OIL.. love it.
Speak English…
Lube can be the new replacement
Great, i wish if we could benefit from your experiens here in Syria, standards and olive oil technology.
I fuckin hate any subtitles. I can't read fast enough and look at the actual video to see the post.
I'm outta here
I spend my most of time in cooking editing and uploading so I need all my brothers and sisters support plz
Levantine Olive Oil tastes so much better than even the best greek/italian oil I've tried, don't believe me, go to your nearest middle eastern grocer and try it, no offence to greeks italians , just my opinion
Hi guys!!This is my home town and I personally produce my own EVOO every year. Try Greek olive oil! Its delicious.Cheers
CALL COSTCO and WALMART. That’s the answer.