37 Commentaires

  1. plot twist, none of these ever happened. Vice is probably making all these up to cover for their lack of stories. First off, there is no incentive for a 300 million dollar successful thief to come on tv…..sorry youtube.

  2. One similarity that hipsters/liberals and conservatives/right-wingers have… they both fantasize about gangsterism, mafia, violence, guns, being tough (either city/street/black liberal tough or military whitey conservative tough), etc.… whether it be docs, fictional movies, over-re-enacted movies or interviews like these.

    Basically being cool… Pretty lame if you ask me.

    After living in NY twice and SF once in the past, I’ve learned liberals/hipsters are just as (if not more) lame and racist as conservatives.

    The worst are white hipsters… super pretentious and usually think they’re black, commonly putting down other minorities to prove their blackness, lol.

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