34 Commentaires

  1. I can't wait to try this out! I love to cook for my family so this will be a fun surprise for them! (BTW I'm 11 and have know how to make like 100 foods at least like I have made meatloaf with cake by myself before.)

  2. Forgive me but there’s nothing traditional about this. And I know I’ll get the, “how would you know?!” Comments so I’ll just answer that now. I went to school in Japan for 6 years to become a chef and that was from 2001-2007. I’ve since been the executive chef of Japanese restaurants in the past in NYC, LA, Chicago and Philadelphia. I then started working closely with Japanese people doing consulting work for those who are opening restaurants and cafes here in Asia, outside of Japan. I also speak, read and write the language fluently. Ok, now that this is out of the way, time for the next part of my rant. Just because someone can make something appear to look like the original, it still doesn’t mean it is. It’s kind of like, “artists” nowadays who throw or dump a bunch of paint on a canvas and act like they’ve created some masterpiece. However this is what children having been doing since… forever. It’s just a very lazy approach. Her recipes are way off and there’s nothing traditional about it, even in presentation. I want to go further but it would be too lengthy. I’m tired of seeing yuppies infiltrating scenes and watering them down. Just because her last name is Japanese doesn’t mean she knows anything. In my eyes, she’s about as Japanese as a Chinese owned Japanese restaurant. Even Japanese people would say so. Forgive me for being harsh but I am a REAL CHEF who was actually trained in Japan so this gets on my nerves.

  3. I’ve been trying to learn how to make bento for so long, but the videos and websites I’ve been to never list the ingredients, and I was ready to give up until… BEHOLD! I found her! Elena THANK YOU! I wanted to try and make bento but I didn’t know any traditional ingredients for it until now! You’re awesome, thank you so much!

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