18 Commentaires

  1. Nice video bro, thank you for sharing. Honey starts to break down & lose all of it's molecular binding abilities once you reach 100 degrees & go higher. Honey-infusions are best kept at 99 degrees and below. Lot's of data about it online, but they explain once you go above 100 your ruining the structure of the honey based on it's heat-temp levels, also damaging the nutritional values honey provides. Some people never have complaints, but I have heard also many stories where people say they can tell the honey was ruined during the above 100 F heat infusing time. https://bee-health.extension.org/at-what-temperature-does-honey-have-to-be-heated-too-too-destroy-the-health-benefits-for-humans/ Hope the info helps if it does, Cheers peeps.

  2. Thx On the nutmeg use a small grater or the side of a cheese grater really fine and scrape the nutmeg off U can even use a steak knife The stuff you grate off is called nutmeg Inside the spice is mace U just want to scrape some nutmeg Thats a lot of nutmeg wasted ✌🏻🍍

  3. Hey. This video is so full of knowledge! I've been trying to find for a video similar to yours that really breaks down the topics in this video! That idea at 1:20 is really informative. Your vid is like the content from Dr Ethan. His tips are informative and he helped me a lot on wellness! He is the most informative health enthusiast in Nottingham and he explains health symptoms.

    I recommend you check his YT out and give the Doctor a like! 👉 #StudentDoctorEthan

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