For everyone calling this a salad. The term ceviche is basically a reference to the technique of "cooking" something in lemon, lime or another type of citric acid. Yes, traditionally made with seafood, nonetheless, this is still ceviche.
So a sald?I get that people don't want to eat meat or seafood. Great for them. Just can't understand why they are give it a meat or seafood name. Fried tofu or Satan is vegan fried chicken. So on and so on. Are vegans and vegetarians ashamed of what they are eating?
Looks good, especially the salsa. Ceviche without seafood is bomb, at least in Mexico what makes a good ceviche is ingredients, i would bet using a meaty mushroom and some seaweed shreds would give folks who don't eat animals a good fishy taste to the dish.
Cebiche/Ceviche has different recipies depending of the country where it comes from (In SouthAmerica or Center America). Peruvian ceviche has less ingredients+preparation time. Vegan version uses mushrooms instead of sea food.
Que ordinario "este Vato"
JAJAJAJAJAJ! Cortar chingaderas y echarle limón! jajajaj! amo!
Wouldn’t this be called mixed vegetables with lemon/lime juice?
How to make Vegan Ceviche?
Don't do it.
Can’t wait to try it 🧡
It's salad. Not ceviche.
Super. El vibres es muy excellente!
I love the chef!!! Me encanta como habla…..
Something different about Binging With Babish now
This is not ceviche!! Trash program vice strikes again
That oil at 06:01 oof enjoy your vegan
se la rifa este chef
están súper mal los subtítulos en inglés
Ceviche sin pescado? hahahaha. Eso NO es ceviche
Ceviche without seafood is just another kind of salsa. But this looks bomb, and I love every ingredient that went in the dish minus the cauliflower.
Never trust a skinny chef 💯💯💯
This looks like a terrific recipe. Where can I find quantity measurements?
Mas videos con el!!
This is just a fancy pico de gallo, go to mexico and try to call this ceviche and theyll crucify you where you stand.
I love this chef!! He is so down to earth and reminds me of family ❤️❤️❤️
Jorge is my new favorite chef!!
Salad: $4
Vegan ceviche: $8
Thats the difference
For everyone calling this a salad. The term ceviche is basically a reference to the technique of "cooking" something in lemon, lime or another type of citric acid. Yes, traditionally made with seafood, nonetheless, this is still ceviche.
a salad?
Please include a written recipe
Umm no thanks that’s not ceviche!
It’s just a bunch of diced vegetables with lime. C’mon really🤦♂️
Hell yeah!
is there a written recipe for this?
That's called salad, debes tener vergüenza llamar a esa ensalada ceviche huevon!
Isn’t that a salad
So it's a salad… A salad.. Dude made a salad… That's all you had to say.
aka: salad.
Chingadas. 😂😂😂
I’m not a native speaker of Spanish, but I know that word ain’t “stuff”.
So a sald?I get that people don't want to eat meat or seafood. Great for them. Just can't understand why they are give it a meat or seafood name. Fried tofu or Satan is vegan fried chicken. So on and so on. Are vegans and vegetarians ashamed of what they are eating?
This is a mudafucken insult!!!
No hay más videos de él?!
…. And I did make it! Delicious!!
Looks good, especially the salsa. Ceviche without seafood is bomb, at least in Mexico what makes a good ceviche is ingredients, i would bet using a meaty mushroom and some seaweed shreds would give folks who don't eat animals a good fishy taste to the dish.
Nice salad bro
Sooo its a salad
Its a salad
Wow what a cutie. Love his style of talking, cooking, storytelling, etc
More translated cooking videos please!!
this chef is legit!!! and a plant based recipe! 💯
thank GOD its not a white person trying to tell us how to make ceviche. we don't need any more of that
Cebiche/Ceviche has different recipies depending of the country where it comes from (In SouthAmerica or Center America). Peruvian ceviche has less ingredients+preparation time. Vegan version uses mushrooms instead of sea food.
This comment section is litaf!
Looks delicious!
Immediately stopped watching when I saw those tattoos, thats no chef, thats trash.