How to properly smoke a cigarette 🚬 #mrthc #shorts mars 28, 2023 admin CBD News 34 Check on YouTube MrTHC
CBD News Cheapest VS Most Expensive : $25 UNBOXING vs $500 UNBOXING! juillet 14, 2022 admin CBD News 35 HAHAHA I hope you guys have enjoyed this Cheapest VS Most Expensive UNBOXING EDITION $25 unboxing vs $500 … Check on YouTube
this is not a paid actor, the stunts you've seen in this video were done by trained professional, if you or someone you know is struggling with cigs, do them a favor and go throw them in the nearest trash Brought to you by the THC Fam🤣 Répondre
I knew he was gonna smash them lol there’s no way my boy was gonna smoke that cancerous shit Répondre
Sell as hemp varifide CBD test results as bud. But THC filled no thc advertised on package solid Répondre
this is not a paid actor, the stunts you've seen in this video were done by trained professional, if you or someone you know is struggling with cigs, do them a favor and go throw them in the nearest trash Brought to you by the THC Fam🤣
“Get yourself some dink”
Thought bro said “get ur self some di*k”
Mr Tabacco
Fr bro I just quit last week n I just be smoking hella dank now
The nic heads:
👁️ 👁️
My boy out here doing Gods work 📝
Don’t smoke vape 🙂
i thought he said “get ur self some dick”
i thought i heard " get yourself some diick" i was like ayooo brother us guys dont do that
Been smoking cigs since I was 12 I’m 22 now finally making the effort to quit
How to waste $10 in 10 seconds
if the weed get anxiety up Smokin a cig the best
don’t do no drugs your life don’t need to substance
Ima punch u
Brotha not wrong
Better then vaping lol
I knew he was gonna smash them lol there’s no way my boy was gonna smoke that cancerous shit
There's a youtuber who reviews only cigarettes 🤮
rounds of applause for you
bruh good job
i thought he said dick bro 😂
“Get yourself sum dick”
Was about to stop watching you all together Jesussssss
Smack that cig out his hands smack him with that dank save a life today be the change ❤😂
Type shit
No meth day spring plants planted
Sell as hemp varifide CBD test results as bud. But THC filled no thc advertised on package solid
Hemp next time
A cigarette smoker gone watch this and have a heart attack
Fuck cigarettes smoke the gas do you’re lungs a favor 🔥💨
U know he be smoking those on da low 🤣🤣nah im jp