Check on YouTube
Check on YouTube
This is a skit don’t take me too serious #storerun #comedyclips #missioncomplete. Check on YouTube
So I finally did it, with your help i’m finally living my dream it all happened so fast, one day I was recording videos at my moms … Check on YouTube
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this is not a paid actor, the stunts you've seen in this video were done by trained professional, if you or someone you know is struggling with cigs, do them a favor and go throw them in the nearest trash Brought to you by the THC Fam🤣
“Get yourself some dink”
Thought bro said “get ur self some di*k”
Mr Tabacco
Fr bro I just quit last week n I just be smoking hella dank now
The nic heads:
👁️ 👁️
My boy out here doing Gods work 📝
Don’t smoke vape 🙂
i thought he said “get ur self some dick”
i thought i heard " get yourself some diick" i was like ayooo brother us guys dont do that
Been smoking cigs since I was 12 I’m 22 now finally making the effort to quit
How to waste $10 in 10 seconds
if the weed get anxiety up Smokin a cig the best
don’t do no drugs your life don’t need to substance
Ima punch u
Brotha not wrong
Better then vaping lol
I knew he was gonna smash them lol there’s no way my boy was gonna smoke that cancerous shit
There's a youtuber who reviews only cigarettes 🤮
rounds of applause for you
bruh good job
i thought he said dick bro 😂
“Get yourself sum dick”
Was about to stop watching you all together Jesussssss
Smack that cig out his hands smack him with that dank save a life today be the change ❤😂
Type shit
No meth day spring plants planted
Sell as hemp varifide CBD test results as bud. But THC filled no thc advertised on package solid
Hemp next time
A cigarette smoker gone watch this and have a heart attack
Fuck cigarettes smoke the gas do you’re lungs a favor 🔥💨
U know he be smoking those on da low 🤣🤣nah im jp