20 Commentaires

  1. dreams haplen within a matter of seconds in your brain but in memory it is slower so the sound that wakes you is happening while u walk into the road, see the car, and hit the car and the soind still hasnt ended even when u snap out of the dream

  2. I have those dreams where I wake up just as an intense thing happens, but I think I just wake up for no reason(nothing like sneeze or an alarm to wake up, I just wake up)… Anyone understand what I'm tryin to say? XD

  3. Omg
    The same happens to me but it's really strange because it always happens about a week after the dream but I can see the exact thing that's going on like when I could see my friend falling off the skate ramp and a week after the exact thing happend and its kinda creepy

  4. My mom told me when I was little that when you have one of those dream things that it was your soul leaving your body, but one of my friends once told me that they thought it was because your heart stopped and it was your brains way of telling you to wake up.

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