35 Commentaires

  1. I've had insomnia, ptsd and bad anxiety and social anxiety waaay before I started smoking but smoking really helped me with these. I'm not afraid to say I am dependent at this point on cannabis but that's because it lets me function. But im also not afraid of saying after 6 years of smoking with no breaks the amount it helps has drastically reduced. I'm gonna try to go on a break as well as cutt down in body fat to help me stay motivated and make it faster.

  2. PS I also take hiatuses away from the plant because I have not only read heard from other people and witnessed myself, how a strain cam become no longer useful due to the fact that your body has gotten used to the cabin annoyed within that plant and then the only way that you're able to get a feeling, that you are looking for is then to smoke more and way more than you need due to the fact that your body has built up a high tolerance to what you're smoking, so as a good suggestion I would recommend to change your strains up but stick with the ones that are working for you for instance your indicas if you like your mind high and your sativas if you like your body high personally for myself I like sativas because of all the pain and stuff I'm in. And I wholeheartedly agree with what you said on one of your videos that everybody is looking for the highest THC content when in reality it's the phenols of the plant that you're really looking for because they control the way the THC interacts within you so here's to all of you out there and your hiatus for the time you choose to stay away from the plant though it may not be forever it is for today so stay strong stay positive and be happy because the outside world will thank you but more importantly you'll think yourself or being the best version of yourself!

  3. Love your vids man and keep rocking the way you are, because they're ain't another you out there now is there there might be your doppelganger but you're not him and he's not you so give yourself pad on the back for a job well done.

  4. I as someone who deals with fibromyalgia understand the plant more than most in some cases because for me it's a miracle because before my body was tightening up and I was unable to move well now I can move better than I could the day before because basically what fibromyalgia does is your nerves are basically shot so they misfire and do a lot of weird things that they shouldn't be doing which is painful I also get muscle knots from it because the muscles do not contract properly like they're supposed to at times so my arm can be fully extended out but the muscle itself has not registered that my arm is fully extended out and then the nerves within the muscle fire and release but not when they're supposed to sometimes so it's pretty painful and this one plant saved my life from all the drugs I was on. Now putting all that aside I think we need to look at cannabis in a different way because we've only looked at it from two sides, for the most part the one side saying that it's non addictive and is a medical drug that helps people and others. the other side saying that it's bad and the class two narcotic and people should get the highest extent of the law push down their throats however the side that doesn't get talked about much is the scientific standpoint side of weed and the new ways that we've genetically learned how to evolve the plant. And what the true benefits are of the plant and also looking at the other side of what the negative aspects of the plant are because we have to look at it with an open mind and a clear frame of you on the subject because if we only come from the positive aspect and never look at maybe some of the side effects maybe some of the negative things about it that might be there that might show up in some scientific research and data that can be factually proven bye studies, of the users and the plant itself and not some propaganda pushed on you saying it's bad e by people who classify it as a class 2 narcotic because they don't understand and don't care to understand because they're not willing to even hear the scientific facts and data that has been gathered around the plant! In turn the consumers and medical cannabis users should be willing to also look at the data that was produced by scientific fact for instance it's a fact that if I apply small tiny particles of tinder and the spark I will produce a fire because the conditions are right to do so because if I had bigger pieces of wood then the spark would not light the tinder on fire before the scientific data on those facts and understanding how a spark can ignite a flame, human beings were probably running around throwing Sparks at everything trying to get it to light because in truth we had never experienced that before and we're just probably experiencing it for the first time if you go back far enough in our human genome because there was a point where man had no fire! And that is all relative fact brought by science. And it's in that regard that we should be looking at weed in the same way so one we can better understand the plant and the science behind it and two so that we can have the medicines that we need they're best suited for things like sleep, pain, head problems, body problems, and any other things that you might use it for exedra.

  5. On day 6 of a 9 day T break. Everyone talks about the dreams! I was always able to dream when I smoked unlike most people. I've noticed my dreams have turned into nightmares. Me getting raped etc. Can't wait for this to be over.

  6. Went a month had no weed was sober, bored af just had to become creative w my mind draw, play my game, eat by schedules and do some exercises to make u tired more but my problem is nightmares cause of my PTSD 🤦‍♂️

  7. Cannabis is not additive at all. A lot of people will say it is as a crutch for low willpower. I have had to quit several different times completely and have never had any withdrawls

  8. I’ve been smoking for about 2 years now, I LOVE smoking , but I don’t seem to get that high anymore and it rlly upsets me:( when I started smoking and taking edibles I got so Insanely baked and I loved it, but after a while it went down a lot. I’ve taken T breaks , and a couple times they’ve worked rlly well in the past . I went from joints to a bong, and I smoked the bong every night and after a while I did don’t rly get high , maybe for like 30 mins , but not like I used to get high. I just took 1 month off , and I was rly excited to light up again, so I started with a joint, and although I got somewhat high the last couple days, I feel like my tolerance break didn’t rlly do anything for me and I’m rlly upset lol… I still feel decently high from 40 mins to an hour, but I after that I just feel hungry , tired , and gross and I can’t get high even if I smoke more …has this happened to anyone else? If anyone has any tips or anything that would be so much appreciated:) cheers

  9. I got through one day. I been battling weed,opioids and benzos for 5 years now. I was diagnosedv with AS 6 years ago and I let my problems spiral out of control and I’m almost 40 and if I don’t stop I’m afraid it’s gonna kill me. How do you get the courage to stop? Should I seek medical treatment now that I’m so far in? I just don’t want all this on my medical record in fear of loosing my disability.

  10. I am actually scared to take a tolerance break because usually anhedonia (loss of interest in everything) sets in badly for me the first few days. I know it's only a few days but it sucks!!!

  11. Sleep and appetite. Those are definitely the most affected areas (for me) during a tolerance break. Especially since I've been getting more into edibles to quit smoking. I've noticed, from experience, there's a clear connection between digesting edibles and overall appetite, especially during tolerance breaks.

    I'd recommend Dr. Dustin Sulak tolerance break method for anyone willing to try something that "may" work as a long-term solution.

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