34 Commentaires

  1. "The hoax sparked a FAA and Homeland Security investigation." I'd love to hear the details of just how they investigated. What was there to investigate? Nothing. If anybody reading this was one of the witnesses of the UFOs that night, tell us if you were interviewed as part of the "investigation ". The fact that the guys got in legal trouble for this pisses me off. UFO sightings that are seen many people add excitement to life. They're fun, exciting, fascinating, and harmless. Even after you learn the UFOs were just a harmless prank, would you rather it never happened?

  2. 🐛Saw the light and tell 🐌
    🐌 There is a flying light and tell 🐝
    🐝 After that he tell 🙈
    There is a alien having sex!!
    🙊 Run over to 🐯
    The end

  3. ufo is actually real. but aliens aren't. it maybe a military secret weapon. i saw it before when i'm about to buy something at night. i saw some light that shape like a circle moving in the sky. i actually don't care about it cuz i think it was just my imagination. but when i'm at home. i can't stop thinking about it. that was the only time i saw it. after that. i never saw it again. oh and also. i saw it on malaysia. in kudat. and it was 1 years ago.(early 2021)

  4. Any group of idiots can construct a hoax that fools people and pleases skeptics. It is a fact that most “sightings” have mundane explanations. All of the idiots and skeptics on earth can’t undermine the solid cases that defy explanation, that are documented properly by military or airline pilots, and instrument data. These people should have been fined more! But this just goes to point out that when something unidentifiable is observed, all care should be taken, that a clean observation is recorded and reported. In most cases, it’s going to be explainable. In a few very special instances, one might be witnessing an extraordinary event.

  5. I hope you know how difficult your fun little prank has made it for people trying to tell someone about something they really did actually see. your totally awesome little prank has now made something that was already an obscure and a humiliating thing to discuss even more difficult topic to talk to anyone about just that little bit more awkward to open up to anyone about. and play on the emotions of people's ignorance. you guys are so awesome hey. hope it brought you as much joy as it did for me.

  6. Of course its fake moon landing is fake as hell,…even space,planets,galaxies its just NASA photoshop… There is a firament(glass w/water) above..nobody can pass there only souls

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