How do you know how much THC and CBD is in your weed? For many of you, your knowledge of cannabis may only extend to the … Check on YouTube
35 Commentaires
I feel this applies to marihuana addiction also. I was dependent and addicted to it for 12 years, my mistake was smoking the most powerful stuff every time. Tried to quit atleast once every year, the most i could go on was a couple months, experienced psychosis to extreme levels, delusional thoughts, even after week 5 i would still feel sick, thought i was already crazy, even at times thought i was schizophrenic. I was scared, depressed, wanted to end it all. Even afraid of my self thinking i could go crazy and hurt someone, (delusional thoughts and psychosis can do that to you) but it was a symptom and i thought at the time it was me with a damaged brain and damaged thinking pattern that thought i wasn't going to be able to heal. My heart would race so bad i was taken to the hospital 7 or 8 times in 2 months, at times with blood pressure so high i was told i could get a heart attack, slept 3 hours per night at most, crazy scary nightmares, sleep deprevation was driving me insane, crazy mood swings, prescribed xanax and high blood pressure medicine to ease symptoms, which end it up making them worse. My psychiatrist told me to quit them, So i quit medication after 2 weeks which is enough for xanax to give you withdrawals (made me feel like week one). I would rarely get peace moments, ranging from only minutes to an hour at most, and then go back to anxiety and pain. But those moments where enough to see what i was missing on with my addiction. i would go back to smoking to try to ease my symptoms, starting with very little and progressively getting back to high doses. What was my mistake? Trying to do it alone, going on day 34 today, but this time I've been going to AA since the first week of quitting, excercising 5 days a week 30 minutes a day, all 7 days if possible. Quit gun games. Quit Facebook videos full of fights, accidents, death, dumb people doing stpd things. Quit porn as weed would lead me to it to calm euphoria and anxiety. Quit soda and sweets, as sugar rush would give me more anxiety. My body becomes sensitive to everything and anything. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety, ptsd, with panic attacks and major depression disorder. Tried to end all a few times in the past. Not a pill fan so no medication to help me this time. Just spitting all out at AA tribune, excercise, eating healthier, visiting family members, avoiding places, people and situations that could trigger my anger, pain, anxiety, and addiction, feeling in the gap with work when i can because currently unemployed, cleaning home, spending time with wife and kids, working on small projects like cleaning the cars and whatever i can do to distract my pain. Eating a healthy breakfast, Not eating after 9pm only maybe jelly or yogurt, and i sleep much better. also swimming decreases my inflammation. Drinking lots of water everyday, showing love to those around me, and trying not run too fast in my recovery. But most of all getting closer to God, much prayer asking for forgiveness, help, and a chance to recreate my life and recover all the time wasted. I been understanding myself better, learning I've been my worse enemy, so trying to forgive myself to let go of the past and let go of the person ive been, or else it's like heavy chains on my body and soul that keep trying to make me think i will always be that person, and if i dont let go of that i wont be able to become someone new and free. trying to transform my habits, my thinking, my actions. It definitely a battle, that's why i have needed all those things and much more to feel in the emptiness before depression, anxiety, remorse, and pain take over and i go back to addiction. Im still a recovering addict, im understanding i was looking for peace in the wrong place, peace in marihuana thinking it would relax me, but was just making my body, mind, and heart sicker. Now im looking for that peace in all the mentioned above, im starting to appreciate soberness, everything smells, looks, seems, much brighter, much more positive, i am now hopeful for the future, im putting my faith in God and trusting He is with me on this journey, to being clean, to actually living. I have alot to work on, mood swings and old thinking patterns, all together with the physical pain that comes with abstinence, but the peace moments last longer as i get closer to detoxing, this time has been different, because im looking for all the help i can get, and actually using it. when i wake up anxious, i pray to God for help and peace, and end up Falling asleep again without notice. When i wake up in the morning i thank God for letting me see the sunlight once again, I thank him for my family, our health, our food, our home, the sun, the air, you name it, alot to be thankful for! .. Loosing a parent, loosing a child, having a chronic decease, are some of the harshest and hardest things in life, and i add recovering from addiction to the list. I pray that everyone who wants to change their lives around will make it, that they will get the help they need and take action in the right direction, I pray they never give up, i pray for God to help them heal and see the future with hope, and that they can recover faith and love in themselves, and most of all that they reach peace in their hearts to never need to go back to any type of addiction. I pray for healing for the sick, help for the poor, and i wish you all new beginnings in your bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! You can do it! Even when you feel alone, you are not, there are many of us who get you! Who understand what you are going through. We're all on this together, from different parts of the world! From different paths and upcomings! We are a sister/brotherhood. I am writing this from a peaceful moment laying on my bed, thankful for another day. Take it day by day, dont try to run. Its a journey to a new life, takes time and be patient with yourselfs, show love to those around you, forgive and forget, let go of the past, look for new begginings. Not just in the outter, but also within you! Love you all and pray we all find meaning in our existence, and true happiness and peace in our hearts. 💙 I will end this message for you like i end my tribune at AA, I thank God for this past 24 hours sober and thank YOU for your tolerance! 🙏
I quit after doing it every day for about 14 months having a week break maybe twice during that time. The worst part for me is the insomnia but that goes away in a couple of days, especially if I use something to help me sleep and get back into the rhythm of normal sleep. I can also get pretty irritable here and there for about a week. Nothing really major or anything to worry about, at least for me.
For me it’s psychological. When I had to stop against my will, I was agitated for about a week. When I stopped ingesting to take a tolerance break for about a week, I had no problem at all. In fact I quite enjoyed sleeping with full blown dreams during the break.
I've smoked hash for numerous years which is a very strong form of cannabis with higher THC levels. I used tobacco to mix it with hashish which i think is also a culprit of my addiction. Long story short i never thought i would become addicted so much that this drug would become the only thing that matters to me. Two days ago i became very sick and decided to quit smoking hash i can't tell you how bad are the withdrawls, insomnia had hit me a month ago for around 30 days i almost could not sleep and now the anxiety stomach problems disturbed appetite severe depression pounding headache. I wish i never started it but now i've gone cold turkey i'm done with this i hope i could win the fight with this drug
Same here, I feel like shit after stop smoking two months straight. Weed withdrawals with me are night sweats, clammy palms, anxiety, pissed off, touchy, diarrhea, and insomnia!
When was the last time anyone who is claiming to be a marijuana addict sold their body for marijuana? Did they rob a person or a store to buy marijuana? Are they in the gutter with a lit joint? Have they lied to their friends and families in order to get more money for marijuana? Give me a break
I'm 28 and I've smoked daily for 11 years. After recently realising I'm on the autistic spectrum I finally feel prepared to attempt to quit and take my life in a new direction. Please give this comment a like to show support and help keep me motivated. This comment is my reminder. Cheers guys!
For most, it usually takes 5-7 days to be clear of the withdrawals, but I’ve also heard of some people where it took a month. Don’t compare your timeline with anyone else that’s quitting weed because I promise you, everyone’s experience is different when going through this.
Yes it is fucking real when you stop you have trouble holding down food and it sucks ass. I wasnt able to eat solid food for like 2 weeks after I took a break smoking weed. look lads, Smoking weed is cool but don’t listen to the media n smoke everyday…
Been smoke in 51yr.the withdrawall stuff is no shirt the truth is the longer you smoke the longer the withdrawall will last like from a wide or so too 2or4 wks and you will get all the side affects. ALL of them Good Luck …
i smoked weed every single day during the pandemic. vaping mostly. i am 2 weeks in without it, and i a am still experiencing withdrawals. somedays i sweat a lot over night. trouble sleeping. deep anxiety. depression. even my stomach feels strange . i want to go at least another 3 weeks without it.
I wake up with nausea and brushing my teeth is the worst. I gag anyway but with the withdrawal, I feel like I'm gonna puke up my stomach. I also don't feel myself, like I'm on auto-pilot.
Not such a good comparison. First of all, nicotine is much more difficult to stop using. And certainly nowhere near the withdrawal of harder substances.
Cannabis withdrawal may be real but it’s a pleasant walk in the park compared to anything else “addictive”, legally prescribed or illegal street drugs.
How many pot smokers have harmed someone over their last bud compared to crack/coke/meth/opiate users when they barely have a crum left to use? – Not even comparable.
The real question is, does the body get used to the frequency intake of cannabis in general and the withdrawal is from that as a whole?
Is it due to a certain chemical withdrawal or a specific combination of the hundreds of natural chemicals within cannabis, the lack thereof that cause the withdrawal?
I have smoked everyday as in 365 days a year for 2 years and I just hate the withdrawal phase. I feel like it will last forever and my bottem jaw aches and I get really sad and it's like. boi😴
If you strictly smoke weed getting off won’t be hard, but if you smoke blunts (wrapping weed in tobacco paper) it’ll be a lot harder to get off because your body also became addicted to the nicotine. So I advise stop smoking blunts pick up j’s then stop smoking weed all around that’s how I’m doing it.
Stay busy people, I’ve been a frequent user for years and I realized the busier I stay the less I think about smoking. Find that video game you love to play and play it all day watch movies, read, workout, fill your day with activities and you won’t ever think about smoking
Many young men came through our fancy rehab for pot smoking. There was another girl for laxatives. You can get addicted to anything. It’s a terrible thing to kick pot alone. Don’t do it alone. At least one funky friend can help you 🤣🤣🤣
I’m about be 4 weeks sober. Some days I feel amazing. Other days like today, I feel terrible! I definitely eat a lot more to cope with my withdrawals and I know that sounds confusing to stoners because of the munchies. However, I do eat a lot now because I need something to stimulate my mind now that I’m choosing not to do it with weed. Days like this is when I think of relapsing but then I remember why I wanted to quit in the 1st place.
I feel this applies to marihuana addiction also. I was dependent and addicted to it for 12 years, my mistake was smoking the most powerful stuff every time. Tried to quit atleast once every year, the most i could go on was a couple months, experienced psychosis to extreme levels, delusional thoughts, even after week 5 i would still feel sick, thought i was already crazy, even at times thought i was schizophrenic. I was scared, depressed, wanted to end it all. Even afraid of my self thinking i could go crazy and hurt someone, (delusional thoughts and psychosis can do that to you) but it was a symptom and i thought at the time it was me with a damaged brain and damaged thinking pattern that thought i wasn't going to be able to heal. My heart would race so bad i was taken to the hospital 7 or 8 times in 2 months, at times with blood pressure so high i was told i could get a heart attack, slept 3 hours per night at most, crazy scary nightmares, sleep deprevation was driving me insane, crazy mood swings, prescribed xanax and high blood pressure medicine to ease symptoms, which end it up making them worse. My psychiatrist told me to quit them, So i quit medication after 2 weeks which is enough for xanax to give you withdrawals (made me feel like week one). I would rarely get peace moments, ranging from only minutes to an hour at most, and then go back to anxiety and pain. But those moments where enough to see what i was missing on with my addiction. i would go back to smoking to try to ease my symptoms, starting with very little and progressively getting back to high doses. What was my mistake? Trying to do it alone, going on day 34 today, but this time I've been going to AA since the first week of quitting, excercising 5 days a week 30 minutes a day, all 7 days if possible. Quit gun games. Quit Facebook videos full of fights, accidents, death, dumb people doing stpd things. Quit porn as weed would lead me to it to calm euphoria and anxiety. Quit soda and sweets, as sugar rush would give me more anxiety. My body becomes sensitive to everything and anything. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety, ptsd, with panic attacks and major depression disorder. Tried to end all a few times in the past. Not a pill fan so no medication to help me this time. Just spitting all out at AA tribune, excercise, eating healthier, visiting family members, avoiding places, people and situations that could trigger my anger, pain, anxiety, and addiction, feeling in the gap with work when i can because currently unemployed, cleaning home, spending time with wife and kids, working on small projects like cleaning the cars and whatever i can do to distract my pain. Eating a healthy breakfast, Not eating after 9pm only maybe jelly or yogurt, and i sleep much better. also swimming decreases my inflammation. Drinking lots of water everyday, showing love to those around me, and trying not run too fast in my recovery. But most of all getting closer to God, much prayer asking for forgiveness, help, and a chance to recreate my life and recover all the time wasted. I been understanding myself better, learning I've been my worse enemy, so trying to forgive myself to let go of the past and let go of the person ive been, or else it's like heavy chains on my body and soul that keep trying to make me think i will always be that person, and if i dont let go of that i wont be able to become someone new and free. trying to transform my habits, my thinking, my actions. It definitely a battle, that's why i have needed all those things and much more to feel in the emptiness before depression, anxiety, remorse, and pain take over and i go back to addiction. Im still a recovering addict, im understanding i was looking for peace in the wrong place, peace in marihuana thinking it would relax me, but was just making my body, mind, and heart sicker. Now im looking for that peace in all the mentioned above, im starting to appreciate soberness, everything smells, looks, seems, much brighter, much more positive, i am now hopeful for the future, im putting my faith in God and trusting He is with me on this journey, to being clean, to actually living. I have alot to work on, mood swings and old thinking patterns, all together with the physical pain that comes with abstinence, but the peace moments last longer as i get closer to detoxing, this time has been different, because im looking for all the help i can get, and actually using it. when i wake up anxious, i pray to God for help and peace, and end up Falling asleep again without notice. When i wake up in the morning i thank God for letting me see the sunlight once again, I thank him for my family, our health, our food, our home, the sun, the air, you name it, alot to be thankful for! .. Loosing a parent, loosing a child, having a chronic decease, are some of the harshest and hardest things in life, and i add recovering from addiction to the list. I pray that everyone who wants to change their lives around will make it, that they will get the help they need and take action in the right direction, I pray they never give up, i pray for God to help them heal and see the future with hope, and that they can recover faith and love in themselves, and most of all that they reach peace in their hearts to never need to go back to any type of addiction. I pray for healing for the sick, help for the poor, and i wish you all new beginnings in your bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! You can do it! Even when you feel alone, you are not, there are many of us who get you! Who understand what you are going through. We're all on this together, from different parts of the world! From different paths and upcomings! We are a sister/brotherhood. I am writing this from a peaceful moment laying on my bed, thankful for another day. Take it day by day, dont try to run. Its a journey to a new life, takes time and be patient with yourselfs, show love to those around you, forgive and forget, let go of the past, look for new begginings. Not just in the outter, but also within you! Love you all and pray we all find meaning in our existence, and true happiness and peace in our hearts. 💙 I will end this message for you like i end my tribune at AA, I thank God for this past 24 hours sober and thank YOU for your tolerance! 🙏
I quit after doing it every day for about 14 months having a week break maybe twice during that time. The worst part for me is the insomnia but that goes away in a couple of days, especially if I use something to help me sleep and get back into the rhythm of normal sleep. I can also get pretty irritable here and there for about a week. Nothing really major or anything to worry about, at least for me.
For me it’s psychological. When I had to stop against my will, I was agitated for about a week. When I stopped ingesting to take a tolerance break for about a week, I had no problem at all. In fact I quite enjoyed sleeping with full blown dreams during the break.
I've smoked hash for numerous years which is a very strong form of cannabis with higher THC levels. I used tobacco to mix it with hashish which i think is also a culprit of my addiction. Long story short i never thought i would become addicted so much that this drug would become the only thing that matters to me. Two days ago i became very sick and decided to quit smoking hash i can't tell you how bad are the withdrawls, insomnia had hit me a month ago for around 30 days i almost could not sleep and now the anxiety stomach problems disturbed appetite severe depression pounding headache. I wish i never started it but now i've gone cold turkey i'm done with this i hope i could win the fight with this drug
Same here, I feel like shit after stop smoking two months straight. Weed withdrawals with me are night sweats, clammy palms, anxiety, pissed off, touchy, diarrhea, and insomnia!
When was the last time anyone who is claiming to be a marijuana addict sold their body for marijuana? Did they rob a person or a store to buy marijuana? Are they in the gutter with a lit joint? Have they lied to their friends and families in order to get more money for marijuana? Give me a break
I'm 28 and I've smoked daily for 11 years. After recently realising I'm on the autistic spectrum I finally feel prepared to attempt to quit and take my life in a new direction. Please give this comment a like to show support and help keep me motivated. This comment is my reminder. Cheers guys!
For most, it usually takes 5-7 days to be clear of the withdrawals, but I’ve also heard of some people where it took a month. Don’t compare your timeline with anyone else that’s quitting weed because I promise you, everyone’s experience is different when going through this.
What stupid question. You can withdrawal from anything in excess.
Yes it is fucking real when you stop you have trouble holding down food and it sucks ass. I wasnt able to eat solid food for like 2 weeks after I took a break smoking weed. look lads, Smoking weed is cool but don’t listen to the media n smoke everyday…
Cannabis withdrawal symptoms are mild if you smoke it without tobacco, drinking lots of water will make them go away.
Been smoke in 51yr.the withdrawall stuff is no shirt the truth is the longer you smoke the longer the withdrawall will last like from a wide or so too 2or4 wks and you will get all the side affects. ALL of them Good Luck …
Maybe it’s real for some people but not for me.
I just feel very restless when i stop using it and have some difficulty focusing
Is it just nausea for you guys? My stomach is cramping bad I’m good on the other symptoms it’s hard but not as bad as the stomach cramp like pain
YES and I wish I knew before I went through it
I stopped using it because I kept eating everything in sight
i smoked weed every single day during the pandemic. vaping mostly. i am 2 weeks in without it, and i a am still experiencing withdrawals. somedays i sweat a lot over night. trouble sleeping. deep anxiety. depression. even my stomach feels strange . i want to go at least another 3 weeks without it.
After quitting for 40 days I still feel terrible feeling,sad and fear for no reason and had weird dream anyone please help me to deal this things
Don’t forget the sweating 😭its an itchy sweat.
I wake up with nausea and brushing my teeth is the worst. I gag anyway but with the withdrawal, I feel like I'm gonna puke up my stomach. I also don't feel myself, like I'm on auto-pilot.
I find some solice knowing that people feel as shit as I do after going cold turkey
Not such a good comparison. First of all, nicotine is much more difficult to stop using. And certainly nowhere near the withdrawal of harder substances.
Cannabis withdrawal may be real but it’s a pleasant walk in the park compared to anything else “addictive”, legally prescribed or illegal street drugs.
How many pot smokers have harmed someone over their last bud compared to crack/coke/meth/opiate users when they barely have a crum left to use? – Not even comparable.
The real question is, does the body get used to the frequency intake of cannabis in general and the withdrawal is from that as a whole?
Is it due to a certain chemical withdrawal or a specific combination of the hundreds of natural chemicals within cannabis, the lack thereof that cause the withdrawal?
It's great to see this… I have also treated myself. Weedborn oils have helped me a lot.
Lmfao anxiety ATTACKS
Stopped after 48 hours… heat flashes for 5 days
It is deadly not only real.
Weed is great until you no longer have any
I have smoked everyday as in 365 days a year for 2 years and I just hate the withdrawal phase. I feel like it will last forever and my bottem jaw aches and I get really sad and it's like. boi😴
If you strictly smoke weed getting off won’t be hard, but if you smoke blunts (wrapping weed in tobacco paper) it’ll be a lot harder to get off because your body also became addicted to the nicotine. So I advise stop smoking blunts pick up j’s then stop smoking weed all around that’s how I’m doing it.
Stay busy people, I’ve been a frequent user for years and I realized the busier I stay the less I think about smoking. Find that video game you love to play and play it all day watch movies, read, workout, fill your day with activities and you won’t ever think about smoking
Many young men came through our fancy rehab for pot smoking. There was another girl for laxatives. You can get addicted to anything. It’s a terrible thing to kick pot alone. Don’t do it alone. At least one funky friend can help you 🤣🤣🤣
I’m about be 4 weeks sober. Some days I feel amazing. Other days like today, I feel terrible! I definitely eat a lot more to cope with my withdrawals and I know that sounds confusing to stoners because of the munchies. However, I do eat a lot now because I need something to stimulate my mind now that I’m choosing not to do it with weed. Days like this is when I think of relapsing but then I remember why I wanted to quit in the 1st place.
I am 3months experiencing withdrawal symptoms in cannabis and tobbaco. Im feeling dying but im still alive. Thanks god Fuck drugs hays!