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So you know that expesnive portable dab rig that costs $400 right? What if it wasn’t so expensive? Let’s say $60. Check out the … Check on YouTube
Yup, I got fingered by an old lady on the tube. T-SHIRTS: … Check on YouTube
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Try coffee in Abraxxas, you won't regret it.
How long are you gonna be in Amsterdam i am going on Saturday
Thats the best thing about Amsterdam coffeeshops, if you find the right one, theyre really comfortable high quality cafes in their own right, and you can bill and smoke at the table 😍, heaven
Koffie verkeerd 😅
The coffee usually banging but incredibly strong😂
You know you can buy an Amsterdam n regional travel ticket for unlimited travel theirs loads of places you can go !
Most iconic hair I've ever seen. We need merch wigs to blaze in mate 🙂
Hey are u still in Holland? Please try the meetpoint in den bosch.. it will mot disapoint u.
Latte isn’t served with chocolate on top it’s a L for the coffee
The coffee in Amsterdam was Amazing! Not surprising, given the Dutch consume the most coffee in the world
Day 4 of asking you to collab with blazin the Asian
It doesn’t really look like Brazilian coffee just some standard South American outside but dayum I can taste like 80% Brazilian with 20% Guatemalan
Nobody noticed how they were playing rod wave in Amsterdam
Your trippin out us Americans😂😂😂 you say coffee shop I think you abt to put us on to sum new nah you actually got coffee😭💀
Professional review 😉
Hearing rod wave in a coffee shop in Amsterdam was not what I expected
Yooo they bumpin Rod Waves in the shop 💪 Heart On Ice 🔥 🎶
Which shop?
Is it good or are you faded lmao
Goes to taste coffee and gets a latte
I’m guna test the coffee buys a cup of milk 😂
U do shrooms ?
You should have kicked off and told him u didn't ask for a mocha and that chocolate powder is making ur late a mocha
Where is the link to see the coffee ☕😂
Coffee and weed sounds like a great day out
Don’t know if you’ve ever been but you should go to terms army and Bagheera those are some chill ass coffee shops
Drew is really cute
You ask for a flat white or an espresso when you want to actually taste the coffee.
A latte is basically hot milk
You are english bro, nobody trusts your idea of good coffee because we know what the English did to tea….and food.
I love you man, this is exactly what I needed to see 😂