Sabaidee CBD review. Plus I sent 2 products to 2 labs to see if they’re real CBD. I have no affiliation with this company and I paid … Check on YouTube
20 Commentaires
But the COST Is soo HIGH.. Any just as good but cost way less.. it works AMAZINGLY For diabetes I know for a fact..all my tests great while taking it..bad when I couldn't afford it.. I Appreciate ALL Your Reviews!! 🙏🙏🙏🤟
I’ve been taking NuLeaf CBD for about a month now. It’s a great product! 2 drops in the morning, gives me energy throughout the day. 4 drops makes me a little tired.. Could be due to anti-seizure meds I’m currently on. I started taking it because my mood was as if I was just existing. But felt I had no purpose in life. And nothing interested me. I felt emotionally shut off. NuLeaf CBD has made me feel human again. I feel emotionally balanced. And it has helped with my seizures. I also use their CBN oil. I’ll do the CBD in the morning. And the CBN at night. Because the CBN knocks you out. NuLeaf makes great products!
I was researching what company to go with for CBD for myself, either Charlotte's Web or NuLeaf. I have seen both of your vids and I'm thinking I'll go NuLeaf. Which one would you recommend of the 2, price an potency wise?
Great review! I was deciding on which CBD to buy for my mom (mostly for anxiety, and arthritis). After doing some research, I came across Nuleaf and bought it. She's been taking it for a few months now and we have no regrets! it's an excellent, very natural product with great potency. I highly recommend it.
Love the reviews keep it up! Would you say this is better than Lazarus Naturals? Been taking their high potency for months now, but noticed I guess my tolerance has gone up? Wondering if this NuLeaf would be a more “concentrated” oil… thanks!
But the COST Is soo HIGH.. Any just as good but cost way less.. it works AMAZINGLY For diabetes I know for a fact..all my tests great while taking it..bad when I couldn't afford it.. I Appreciate ALL Your Reviews!! 🙏🙏🙏🤟
Thank you so very much!!!
Yes, I had a good experience with their product. I have stomach issues and it helped a lot with that. I was pleasantly surprised.
Sir, you are doing philanthropic work. I do hope you profit for your good deeds! Thank you!
Please test there Full Spectrum Multicannabinoid Oil
EXCELLENT REVIEW💪💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I’ve been taking NuLeaf CBD for about a month now. It’s a great product! 2 drops in the morning, gives me energy throughout the day. 4 drops makes me a little tired.. Could be due to anti-seizure meds I’m currently on. I started taking it because my mood was as if I was just existing. But felt I had no purpose in life. And nothing interested me. I felt emotionally shut off. NuLeaf CBD has made me feel human again. I feel emotionally balanced. And it has helped with my seizures. I also use their CBN oil. I’ll do the CBD in the morning. And the CBN at night. Because the CBN knocks you out. NuLeaf makes great products!
I was researching what company to go with for CBD for myself, either Charlotte's Web or NuLeaf. I have seen both of your vids and I'm thinking I'll go NuLeaf. Which one would you recommend of the 2, price an potency wise?
Can I fail drug test with this?
Appreciate your reviews and information…thank you!
Have you tested the sketchy stuff you can get at gas stations like Dinner Lady?
This is by far the best cbd on the market. Over 20,000 reviews on their website.
Do you a review in Thoughtcloud?
How would you compare the CBD oil from NuLeaf and Spruce?
It's too bad their products contain high THC levels. THC makes me feel very sick. 🙁
Simple and straightforward review. Thanks a lot for this man, I subbed. Cheers
Great review! I was deciding on which CBD to buy for my mom (mostly for anxiety, and arthritis). After doing some research, I came across Nuleaf and bought it. She's been taking it for a few months now and we have no regrets! it's an excellent, very natural product with great potency. I highly recommend it.
Love the reviews keep it up! Would you say this is better than Lazarus Naturals? Been taking their high potency for months now, but noticed I guess my tolerance has gone up? Wondering if this NuLeaf would be a more “concentrated” oil… thanks!
Check the company Hemp Bombs