Review of Kat’s Naturals. Plus I sent it to a lab to see if it’s real. I paid for the product and the lab tests. This is not sponsored. Check on YouTube
I've been using Lazarus naturals cbc coconut oil. Would REALLY appreciate your thoughts on this product. I've used it on my skin…which seems to make it super soft but I don't know if it does much for pain topically. I've even tried putting it under my tongue. It actually taste pretty good. Any I'm just not sure If I've not found the right amount with this product or if it's just not helping. Really appreciate you and your help!
Thank you for these very informative videos! I have been doing so much research on CBD and THC products, trying to find what's best for me. The flooded market is overwhelming! Do you have any plans on testing Just CBD products? Possibly their full spectrum CBD?
Love your channel and what you do. I'm courious, have you, or will you, be doing testing & reviews on AVIDA CBD products? I hear great things so far, but would love to get your results & opinions on it.
How is Synchronicity (functional remedies) hemp oil? I'm brand new to this stuff and couldn't find a review for it on your website. I bought the 500mg oil for $50 from a local vitamin shop in Colorado
Cbd Oils, MMJ products and accessories Alobgside Supplements Available At . Order Now and Cet 10% Discount For December Promo🤩🤩🤑🤯🤡🎅🤶👏💥💥💥💥
Skunky burps with sunsoil, real stuff.
I've been using Lazarus naturals cbc coconut oil. Would REALLY appreciate your thoughts on this product. I've used it on my skin…which seems to make it super soft but I don't know if it does much for pain topically. I've even tried putting it under my tongue. It actually taste pretty good. Any I'm just not sure If I've not found the right amount with this product or if it's just not helping. Really appreciate you and your help!
Love your channel…..
Can you review the following? Purple Hippo Extra-Strength 5000mg Full-Spectrum CBD Cream
You should have lotions and Shampoos of "Hemp" products be examined!!
Please review and test Blue Moon Hemp. Been using for years but am curious what your thoughts are and what testing shows
Please do a test/review of Tommy Chong "Good Vibes" Nano CBD line.
Thanks, and excellent channel.
Thank you for these very informative videos! I have been doing so much research on CBD and THC products, trying to find what's best for me. The flooded market is overwhelming! Do you have any plans on testing Just CBD products? Possibly their full spectrum CBD?
Love your channel and what you do. I'm courious, have you, or will you, be doing testing & reviews on AVIDA CBD products? I hear great things so far, but would love to get your results & opinions on it.
Please review Tommy Chongs CBD oils. My whole household is now trying CBD oils and this is the first one we have bought.
Sir, what CBD isolate powder do you recommend ? There’s so many to chose from and I just want to get the best for the money. Thank you
How is Synchronicity (functional remedies) hemp oil? I'm brand new to this stuff and couldn't find a review for it on your website. I bought the 500mg oil for $50 from a local vitamin shop in Colorado
You give the best information that saves us a lot of money and time. Thanks!
Cbd Oils, MMJ products and accessories Alobgside Supplements Available At . Order Now and Cet 10% Discount For December Promo🤩🤩🤑🤯🤡🎅🤶👏💥💥💥💥
Always doing an awesome job, Hulk smash the like button 💯👍