50 Commentaires

  1. I know Joey means in his OWN personal experience the gas mask was his first bong, but people of the middle east have been using what you would call a bong for hundreds and hundreds of years to smoke hashish

    Just so folks don't get confused

  2. The Power Hitter, a plastic bottle with a small hole on the side, on the underside of the cap had a Dubbie holder. So you lite the Dubbie, stick it in the holder and screw the cap on, plug the hole and squeeze. It would send barreling smoke out in a stream. Then you unplug the hole to allow fresh air in and pass it to the next guy. They use to sell these. Florescent colors are groove lettering. 1973, thereabouts. Damn we would get high. Even with Commercial Week.

  3. This is why you stop exposing your kids to that shit so young. I have friends, broken by addiction because they started fighting that adult battle, as a child. Started with weed, ended with coke and pills. Niggas die addicts and you want a kid to attempt to regulate a vice when he still has a bed time? I know some people who were smoking at 12 and are fine, and some who aren’t, but this is from a serious pot head. Stop passing ya lil cousin the blunt so young. Your giving these children demons to fight.

  4. I think first time i smoked i was around 7 or 8 and i had found my sisters weed stash with her pipe and i really didnt knoa how to smoke it and i knew that it would make the house smell so i went outside and tryed to smoke again but didnt work and also got scared bc i had saw some old ppl pull in front of me so i went insidr tryed again finaly got 1 hit but the house smelt bad so when my sister git out of school it smeled everywhere exept my room so i never got caught

  5. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. – Romans 10:9 from the Bible ❤

  6. Lol. Oxygen deprivation like using dry ice to fog all the bugs in the weed 25 minutes later no eggs nothing and all natural organic CO2 displaces oxygen kills all bugs 😂

  7. My dad and his friends were dickheads during the 70s.. They used to wait til a friend fell asleep and then do the mask thing on the sleeping dude… Imagine going to sleep normal, and then waking up baked as fuck.. Lol you'd be so damn confused.

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