20 Commentaires

  1. I just finished up ethos cherry gar see ya 49 days guys! Looks insane. Also had a wedding cake i took a early toke on and it taste like a vanilla tootsie roll! Ps gorilla cookies from fastbuds is the strongest auto ive ever grown it will send you to another world!😂

  2. Lol welcome to homeownership. Wait until the roof springs a leak or the water tank decides to make a swimming pool of hot water in your basement. It's seriously fun shit…. I'm still not able to buy my new fans because I had to replace my roof that decided it's was a great time to quit working lol. I got 2 weeks before the fans get ordered.

  3. Highagain ,It's surreal that I'm finally experiencing growing on a legal level ,Ohio resident here my set up is done and waiting for seed ,after watching all of your videos I realized very quickly my previous methods of sowing any seed we could find and hoping for the best is not the start I want for my first legal grow ,But I'm getting lost in the seed websites and very reluctant to purchase seeds online,,Please help me

  4. I'm setting up my next grow tent shortly. It's an AC Infinity 4'x8' with AC Infinity circulating fans and 8" filter. Running a pair of Fohse Picses 700's for my lights. I'm leaning towards going with an 8 pot 3,9 gal Autopot USA system and trying out the Roots Organics lineup for the first time. Crimsongrows is one of my friends here in Virginia Beach.

  5. Sp you havw scrog and younhavw trellising assuming you will be scroging a single plant? Will you do an auto or photo. With some of these exotic bit longer germ to finish time ive heard people have amazing yields doing autos this was. NS SCROGGER EH? thats one persons opinion/method you guys should know do not rely on advice from 1 person , in the end youll pick different techniques and methods to form your own way of doing things the way you like/enjoy doing it. IE if i remember correctly scroggins grows in soil, and you guys are in a soil less /coco peat/ or coco medium. So for starters your veg time will be much shorter and or don't need as big of a pot as someone growing in soil. Scrog isnt ideal for everyone there are pros and cons to the method. Ill bust a myth just for NS off the bat, no it is NOT how to get the biggest yields! Suprised? However it does ensure more usable biomass and grow after grow more consistent buds.

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