Heyyy whats up man!? Cant wait for the box!. Im that nervous ass guy with my newly pregnant wife (with blue hair) . I wanted to ask you one more question b4 we left ziggys but couldn't find you anymore. No worries. I was gonna say that no worries thankyou and found the candy at the place. FUCKING love your stuff bro!😁😁
How the fuck do I get the box????? That shit I'd fcking awesome I LOVE watching you my daughter introduced u to me n I fell in love with you !!!! Keeping doing you n keep doing this ur the shit cause ur real as fuck
Dam I hate begin sober I’m a smoker
Had an idea for your podcast. Sent it to you on your dms on tiktok. I'd love to hear your opinion on it.
I want to try the concentrates but I’m skeptical cause delta 8 does nothing for me so idk how hhc would work
I honestly thought that was the YouTube placket.
What the best dispo you’d recommend in Vegas
When you get Christmas gift and skip Christmas just to open the box already 😂
Reminds me of cookies packaging pretty dope 🔥
I feel like this is me with my unboxing 😂😂
Got my box today
Heyyy whats up man!? Cant wait for the box!. Im that nervous ass guy with my newly pregnant wife (with blue hair) . I wanted to ask you one more question b4 we left ziggys but couldn't find you anymore. No worries. I was gonna say that no worries thankyou and found the candy at the place. FUCKING love your stuff bro!😁😁
How the fuck do I get the box????? That shit I'd fcking awesome I LOVE watching you my daughter introduced u to me n I fell in love with you !!!! Keeping doing you n keep doing this ur the shit cause ur real as fuck
Just watched the vid with you and ogee 😂
love how he thinks the bong “just broke” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Loved my first box! Can’t wait for the next one! 🔥
That box is 🔥 I cannot wait to get my hands on one Yola you did it again can't wait to see what's in the future✌💨💨💨💨
Broo I really wish I could get those
Had to buy it as soon as I saw it dropped
F the haters…..they are just jealous!
I tried the wax it hits but it didn’t quite smack
Yola looking like a kid on Christmas 😂
Omg ! This box is gonna be nuts !
Been waiting for the new box bro, last one was fire 🔥
i think ur lungs need a inhaler. maybe im wrong but u gotta be safe homie
i love watchin ur vids dawg, not j the weed but the laughs n the vibes yo. go crazy bro